I am looking for a recommendation on a camcorder that I can set on a tripod at some point (maybe behind home plate) that has a wide enough angle that I can record the entire field. I know many parents that will record their own kid but I am looking for something that I can see all 9 players on the field at one time. Anybody have any experience with this?
Tony you are going to need a camera with a wide angle lens if you want to get the whole field. Called a "fish eye" lens sometimes. Problem is it makes everything look further away than normal, kind of like that mirror on the right side of your car. You may be able to use a regular camcorder and get an after market lens to do this but you will need to shop at Wolf's or some specialty camera shop to get it I think.
Tony you are going to need a camera with a wide angle lens if you want to get the whole field. Called a "fish eye" lens sometimes. Problem is it makes everything look further away than normal, kind of like that mirror on the right side of your car. You may be able to use a regular camcorder and get an after market lens to do this but you will need to shop at Wolf's or some specialty camera shop to get it I think.
might be obvious, but you need to make sure the camera you buy will take an aftermarket lense. Many do not...
Tony you are going to need a camera with a wide angle lens if you want to get the whole field. Called a "fish eye" lens sometimes. Problem is it makes everything look further away than normal, kind of like that mirror on the right side of your car. You may be able to use a regular camcorder and get an after market lens to do this but you will need to shop at Wolf's or some specialty camera shop to get it I think.
Thanks for your input. With the "fish eye" look will I really be able to tell what is going on? I am hoping to use it to help teach defensive strategies and positioning on certain plays.
I cant be the only coach who wants to use video as a defensive teaching tool :)