I think that as the year progresses the east Cobb area is getting pretty tough. A team has to go through the titans, jags, astros, cougars, stars, colts, luck. I am watching all these teams get better. I think the back school brawl will shed even more light on this area. There are at least 30 teams in this event. Moser I think a lot of your teams are coming up. Papa I think you guys are the only team missing.
East Cobb area have always been tough. What is different this season is the teams coming in from other areas, not the tough teams already here. Jags=Kennesaw Astros=Tigers Cougars=Cougars Titans=Bulldogs plus upgrades Colts=Scoprioons Luck=about the same Sstars=about the same
justin case: The Bandits thought you had to go back to school to get into this one and we are not real high on the school thing. Now that we know it's a baseball thing and not a school thing we will check our schedule and be there if we can. Sounds like a real good line-up of great teams and we don't like to miss that kind of party.