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GA Grays

42 Posts

Posted - 03/17/2010 :  10:10:48  Show Profile
No dog in this fight (11u), but tons of teams do this to qualify. Qualifying for Disney is generally tougher than winning. I personally have always felt that you should do what's best for the kid. If he wanted to play, let him play. With the relationship you guys have it's obvious they would release him back to his old team so no harm no foul. As you mentioned the GA teams didn't ask. Let the kid have fun. We play against teams that pick players up and the challenge as a coach is to try to beat them. The kids usually step their games up when faced with a challenge. Sounds like the peanut gallery simply doesn't want to lose. To some it's more about the hardware than the competition. I think playing competition is more important than winning. Okay off the soap box. Back to the 10u where I belong. Good luck to all this weekend and I hope the rain holds off.
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55 Posts

Posted - 03/17/2010 :  11:00:37  Show Profile
You should let him Play, Forget what everybody else think

Originally posted by baseballpapa

Papa has just made one of the hardest phone calls of his life. After accepting the invitation to play with a well respected group of kids in the Super NIT this weekend it has become apparent that a lot of people finds a great amount of fault in our decision so I have made the phone call to the Head Coach of a great team that due to comments being made that we will now decline this opportunity. I do want you to know that if a team from Georgia had called and asked us to play that we would have given consideration but they didn't and since one of the best opponents that we have ever faced did call and ask we thought it was a great opportunity and wanted to take it. His team is not playing due to injuries so it's not like we were jumping ship as all know that Papa and the Chainsaw would bleed Bandit blood if cut. He is as healthy as he has been in 3 years and he just wanted to play. You can read whatever you want into the situation but bottom line is he is just 11 years old and wanted to play baseball with friends that he has known for 2-3 years now.

I want to make it clear to all that USSSA has emphasized that my grandson would be frozen but that he could be released back to the Bandits once the Super NIT was finished. Papa didn't write the rules and after I talked to the USSSA officials and my grandson that clearly wants to play with this team I accepted the invitation. It has became apparent not only with the postings on this forum but with the phone calls and emails that myself and my daughter have received that a lot of people find a lot more wrong in this than we do.

My grandson is not very happy that he will not be getting to play in one of the premier youth baseball tournaments in the Southeastern United States but his family will not subject him to being the topic of a very unpleasant situation. What most of you see when you see this kid is great youth baseball player that hits the ball a ton but what his Papa(and most all that really know him) sees is a humble 11 year old child that most likely will look down at his feet when any adult speaks to him.

I want to offer my most sincere apologies to all of the Bay Bomber family especially my good friend 10BB (and I sincerely hope that he is still my good friend.) and I want to take this chance to say that Papa wanted him to play and that he wanted to play very badly but with the firestorm that this has created I just think it best that he not play. The Bandits have played teams from coast to coast and Texas in between and the Bay Bombers are not only one of our toughest opponents but also our closet friends and we have a ton of respect for their Coaches, Players, and Parents.

I read the very rules that were posted on this forum but was told with no hesitation by the State USSSA that he could legally play with the Bombers and then be released back to the Bandits. I would hope that if anything positive comes out of this situation that it will be a better set of rules that are the same for all for I know for a fact that my grandson and I did not invent this concept as I have seen multiple players on multiple teams do the same thing without so much a complaint and it is most likely these very ones that are now complaining.

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290 Posts

Posted - 03/17/2010 :  12:10:37  Show Profile
As long as your head coach is fine with it then I see no problem. I know some coaches might worry about an injury that could affect your main team. Let's all be honest, if the bandits were playing this weekend and your son's team wasn't and they asked your son to play with the Bandits,how many would say no?
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20 Posts

Posted - 03/17/2010 :  12:54:31  Show Profile
I have gone back and forth on whether or not to comment on this one. My son has been in this situation more than once. One time we let him play and that ended badly and one time we didn't let him and that left him with a bad taste in his mouth. It is a no win situation.

The first time was very much like what PaPa wrote about. We were told by everyone involved--state officials etc...that there would be no problem with him playing. However, when his playing was questioned (more than once by someone that was actually on our original team in a different age group and different organization)the same officials who said it would be fine had nothing but the rule to fall back on. The rule which was actually broken--or bent as I like to think of it--by more than my son and by more than our team but was only pursued against my son was all the officials had to fall back on and they were forced by this cruel person to follow it down to the final word. So, my point is that regardless of how the officials may want to allow it to happen there are cruel people who are going to be cruel. There are going to be people who force officials into a corner and then they cannot help you when it really comes down to it.

The second time was after our season had ended and he was going to be picked up by another team to continue playing. This time it was different because if this team won (with my son playing) it could result in knocking our original team out of being ranked first nationally. Anyway, after our first incident we didn't allow him to play. He didn't understand this; he just wanted to play ball.

Unfortunately, Papa has been knowledgeable to all the dirty details of my son's situation and he knows how people you never thought could hurt your child, in fact, can and will hurt kids--even when they have nothing to gain from it all. I hate that he has had to experience this first hand. I hate that when discussing it with his daughter (who is one of my very best friends) I had to reflect back on these unfortunate situations but that is what my family has been left with--the memories of how some people are not always looking for what is best for kids. I wish the "grandson" could experience the tournament; however, I also know that it would be risky for him to do so. People are just waiting and watching for others to mess up. While I would never say don't let him play; I would hope for the best ; but expect the worst to come from it. With us just starting the season it would mean taking the risk that he would not be able to play with his original team the rest of the summer and I would hate that!

While I understand those of you saying "let him play Papa" I also think you haven't experienced the "other side" of competitive baseball. Let's also bear in mind that my son's first meeting with the dark side happened when he was only eight years old. So, don't think that there are not adults out there who would hurt an eleven year old. I guess I'm a little bitter but I haven't always seen the best side in people when it comes to this type of situation.

In closing, I must say that the team we play with now was a part of this first scenario and were dragged thru it all as well. They were kind enough to love my son anyway and for that I am thankful. To Papa, while I hate it I have to say I think you are making the safe decision. I love Papa and his grandson as my own and I would never want another child to go through what mine did.

Originally posted by Bandit_Hawk

Originally posted by baseballpapa

It has became apparent not only with the postings on this forum but with the phone calls and emails that myself and my daughter have received that a lot of people find a lot more wrong in this than we do.

Papa, considering all of the time, effort, energy and love you and your family put into raising this fine young boy you call "Grandson", these other people have no business telling you what is right and wrong for him. Unbelievable ...

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8 Posts

Posted - 03/17/2010 :  13:02:58  Show Profile
If my memory serves me correct I could recall someone complaining about teams hiring players to come in and play only big games. It was said that our players were home grown and we didn't need to borrow players to win (10U). Whats the difference now? Now it is okay to borrow players (wow)
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58 Posts

Posted - 03/18/2010 :  00:52:08  Show Profile
mom that was a great post. The only thing is the rule is very clear and no one would be bending it. He is ALLOWED to play and SHOULD play if he wants to. Those gripeing about "out of state" is crazy. This isn't the World Series or the National Championship. It is one baseball tournament. He can't play because his team doesn't have enough players. If someone needs a player and wants to pick him up then who cares if it's a Fla. or Ga. team. You may not like it if he's playing against you, but the rules are clear. To tell a 11 year old kid that he would be a traitor to his state if he played with his friends from another state is just pathetic.

Now I also believe it is also bad to pick up kids to win a tournament unless you don't have enough. You should never add a new kid and take playing time away from oneof your original kids. Again that is one of the reasons our team broke up because I refused to cut kids or pick up ringers for the big tournaments. Winning that way makes you a great recruiter not team or coach. We had a chance to add a stud major Fla kid this weekend and another stud for the winter world series in Dec. I thinked both for offering but we had our 11 going and I wasn't going to bench a regular for a one weekend pick up. That was the teams decision and mine, but the kid had every right to want to play for me or any other team that needed a player.

Papa I know you know everyone and don't wantto make anyone mad, but the only person that really matters is your grandson. You've been around long enough to know if it is the right or wrong thing to do. Just hate to see other peoples selfish opions affect any childs happiness.

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13 Posts

Posted - 03/18/2010 :  06:32:44  Show Profile
I heard MBA will be without two of their top pitchers/players this weekend. Is this true?
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1520 Posts

Posted - 03/18/2010 :  10:12:08  Show Profile
FB Coach: Good points and if we could put your thoughts into action then we would have a good plan. I want to make it clear that I don't agree with rental players but I think you must define rental players. A rental player in my mind is a player without a real home team, sort of like a rebel without a cause. When the players from Florida played for the Chiefs most of us thought that they were full time players for the Chiefs which I thought was ok but when they turned out to be playing for several teams I did not like that scenario but of course I was not in charge.

In this situation, my grandson is and has been a full time Bandit since his 9 year old year and has only guest played for one team which by the way had 2 players missing the weekend he played. So if you are going to compare them you should compare apples to apples as what we were going to do this weekend was nothing similiar to the Chiefs example you brought up.

We chose not to do it not because it was wrong or because we thought it was right. It seems than some thought it had the appearance of being wrong and that was enough for us not to play. I state for the record that I don't know if it's right or wrong but I do wish that youth baseball would come up with a steadfast rule and enforce whatever the rule is so that there could be no question as to whether the rule is being bent or broken.

The truth is that there are guest players every tournament we play in but the better the player the bigger the stink. You could bring all the rentals you wanted as long as they batted .250 or less and their ERA was over 11.00 and no one would say a word.

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73 Posts

Posted - 03/18/2010 :  10:31:55  Show Profile
MBA Pride 11u will be without one of its top pitchers but will still make the trip with 10 players.


Originally posted by Sunshine

I heard MBA will be without two of their top pitchers/players this weekend. Is this true?

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25 Posts

Posted - 03/18/2010 :  11:15:38  Show Profile
The way the USSSA rules are now creates to much controversy. Either make stricter hard fast rules that leave no room for player borrowing or open it up to a free for all. USSSA must be fearful of running off teams if they become this strict, but in the current environment of youth baseball they might be suprised how many fans they could make. There are plenty of other organizations (TC,Nations, Grand Slam etc) that offer basically free for all roster rules if that is what a team wants.
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25 Posts

Posted - 03/18/2010 :  11:52:43  Show Profile
Papa, I enjoy reading your posts daily and appreciate the passion you have for youth baseball,the Bandits and your Grandson. With that being said,regardless of apples and oranges, you allowing your Grandson to be a "hired gun" would have gone against everything you have posted concerning this topic. You Sir have made the right choice. Regardless of the "RULES", you know exactly what is right and what is wrong, it is just very very hard turning down the oppurtunity to watch your Grandson play ball,thats all.
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1520 Posts

Posted - 03/18/2010 :  12:00:27  Show Profile
therealist is right on target. Make it a free for all or restrict the rosters but do one or the other and let all know what the rules are then there would be no surprises. Don't state the rule and then have 47 loopholes that will bypass the rule.

Edited by - baseballpapa on 03/18/2010 14:26:17
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20 Posts

Posted - 03/18/2010 :  13:12:25  Show Profile
3.07.A.3 At A Super NIT event (whether the team accepts the berth or not), the teams official online roster shall become frozen immediately at the Super NIT event regardless of the date the Super NIT event is played or the date the roster is physicaly frozen in the USSSA online system. 3.07.B No player shall appear on any other team's frozen or unfrozen official online roster within the same age division.

Dirtdawg: Don't know if that was a true compliment or a bit of sarcasm in regards to my post. Either way, I appreciate your acknowledgement. The above rule is what I was referring to in this case "being broken or bent" which was posted by you guys previously. Looks to me that the player would be frozen on the Florida team's roster after this weekend. It doesn't mention anything about ok to release back to the original team. Therefore, looks like the discussion here is "bending or breaking the rule."

Is there another rule which says all that about releases? If not, then releasing a player back to his original team would be "bending" the rule at best. Again, thanks for the acknowledgement whether real or sarcastic. Most people just stop the discussion when a "mom" steps in. Believe it or not, we "mom's know a lot about this stuff too maybe not from the baseball end but definitely from the son playing baseball end.

As for the rest of your post, Dirtdawg, I agree with most of what you say but I totally agree with your statement "Just hate to see other peoples selfish opions affect any childs happiness." Unfortunately, as I already stated it does happen!

Originally posted by dirtdawgs

mom that was a great post. The only thing is the rule is very clear and no one would be bending it. He is ALLOWED to play and SHOULD play if he wants to. Those gripeing about "out of state" is crazy. This isn't the World Series or the National Championship. It is one baseball tournament. He can't play because his team doesn't have enough players. If someone needs a player and wants to pick him up then who cares if it's a Fla. or Ga. team. You may not like it if he's playing against you, but the rules are clear. To tell a 11 year old kid that he would be a traitor to his state if he played with his friends from another state is just pathetic.

Now I also believe it is also bad to pick up kids to win a tournament unless you don't have enough. You should never add a new kid and take playing time away from oneof your original kids. Again that is one of the reasons our team broke up because I refused to cut kids or pick up ringers for the big tournaments. Winning that way makes you a great recruiter not team or coach. We had a chance to add a stud major Fla kid this weekend and another stud for the winter world series in Dec. I thinked both for offering but we had our 11 going and I wasn't going to bench a regular for a one weekend pick up. That was the teams decision and mine, but the kid had every right to want to play for me or any other team that needed a player.

Papa I know you know everyone and don't wantto make anyone mad, but the only person that really matters is your grandson. You've been around long enough to know if it is the right or wrong thing to do. Just hate to see other peoples selfish opions affect any childs happiness.

Edited by - momof12 on 03/18/2010 14:26:48
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1633 Posts

Posted - 03/18/2010 :  16:06:29  Show Profile
All these great baseball minds, and not one of us can be 100% certain of this rule. Matt Trebuchon sits on the national rules committee and helps scribe rules, so maybe he'll take this one on for us.

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58 Posts

Posted - 03/18/2010 :  16:23:11  Show Profile
mom it was real not sarcastic. Yes there is another part about releases. The Bombers can release him and then he could not go back to the bombers again for the rest of the season. The only risk he would be taking is if the Bombers refused to release. Also you are only allowed so many adds and drops each year so you can't do it all the time.

I personally prefer USSSA because they do have very defined roster rules. When I play the other organizations its always a bunch of teams that have stacked themselves with pick ups. People may not like the rules Papa but the rules don't have a ton of loop holes. They are fairly clear. The real season runs April thru August and anyone can play for anyone outside these times, which is basicly true all year long with other organizations. (Note I didn't say all)

Let me give you another example of bad baseball parents. A lot of us played the game and also played a lot of competetive softball after baseball. The same guys crying now would pick up or be picked up all the time in softball tournaments. I use to get calls every weekend to see if I was playing and if I wasnt would I join some team to help them win a tourney. We all like the way the shoe fits until its on the other foot. Beleive me the Bandits have had thier share of teams with pickups just to try and beat them. Everyone is just making a huge deal here because the kid comes from a top level team.
The rules are ALWAYS fair if they are the same for everyone.
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326 Posts

Posted - 03/18/2010 :  16:51:02  Show Profile
Originally posted by FB COACH

Papa, I enjoy reading your posts daily and appreciate the passion you have for youth baseball,the Bandits and your Grandson. With that being said,regardless of apples and oranges, you allowing your Grandson to be a "hired gun" would have gone against everything you have posted concerning this topic. You Sir have made the right choice. Regardless of the "RULES", you know exactly what is right and what is wrong, it is just very very hard turning down the oppurtunity to watch your Grandson play ball,thats all.

I have to disagree with a few of your comments. I dont look at this as being a gun for hire. These are KIDS, not professional ball players. All most kids want to do is play ball. My son is the same way and has a long roster history. However the reason he does have a long roster history is because he is asked to guest play quite often. He does it because he loves the game and has friends on any one of these teams. When a kid goes and guest plays for another team. As kids they are not looking at it as this team is trying to stack up to win a tournament, thats just the parents. These kids are doing it because they get a chance to play ball with some of their friends instead of against them.

So what if a kid is a very good player. So what if that kid makes the team he is guest playing with a little better team. No one player will carry a TEAM. For those who feel he shouldnt be playing do so out of selfish reasons. This is an 11 yr old child just wanting to play ball. The fact remains that he just happen to want to play with a group of kids he is friends with that have a very good team.

Papa I will say again. If his coach doesnt have a problem with it and your grandson wants to play. Those who dont like it do not have your grandsons best interest at heart anyway so no big deal if they get mad or never speak to you again. The way I look at it if thats the case then they were never real friends to begin with.
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18 Posts

Posted - 03/18/2010 :  17:22:24  Show Profile
OK- everyone needs to stop and read the entire rule. You are not frozen just because you played at a Super NIT. You must win to be considered qualified. And if you leave a frozen roster you may not return to that same team. Here is the entire rule. When there is a Subset to a rule it pertains to the prior inset. 3.07A-3.07A1 the A1 part goes with the 3.07A for example.

3.06.G State Directors shall have the authority to approve or reject all players contained on a team’s Official Online Roster.
Such authority is to include player additions and / or releases prior to and subsequent of being frozen except when
a player addition or release has been approved by the USSSA Baseball National Committee. State Director
approval of a team’s Official Online Roster shall not release the team manager of his responsibilities pursuant to
these rules.
3.07 How A Team Qualifies (Roster Frozen) –
3.07.A When a team qualifies (is awarded a berth for a State Championship and / or World Series);
3.07.A.1 Prior to April 1st of the current season (whether the team accepts the berth or not), the team’s Official
Online Roster shall become frozen on April 1st regardless of the date the roster is physically frozen in
the USSSA online system.
Rule 3.07.A.1 Comment: State Directors with the approval of the Association’s Executive Vice
President of Baseball may option to freeze Official Online Rosters of qualified teams on a date earlier
than April 1st of the current season.
3.07.A.2 After April 1st of the current season (whether the team accepts the berth or not), the team’s Official
Online Roster shall become frozen immediately at the qualifying event regardless of the date the
roster is physically frozen in the USSSA online system.
3.07.A.3 At a Super NIT event (whether the team accepts the berth or not), the team’s Official Online Roster
shall become frozen immediately at the Super NIT event regardless of the date the Super NIT event
is played or the date the roster is physically frozen in the USSSA online system.
3.07.B When a team qualifies all players on the team’s Official Online Roster become frozen to the qualified team (unless
released pursuant to these rules) and shall be bound to the qualified team up to and including the teams respective
State Championship and / or World Series. No player shall appear on any other team’s frozen or unfrozen Official
Online Roster within the same age division regardless of classification .
3.08 Qualified Team Roster Additions & Releases –
3.08.A Team managers shall be allowed to add a maximum of three (3) players to their frozen Official Online Roster.
Players may be added as late as seventy-two (72) hours prior to the start of the World Series. Additional players
can only be added to rosters that have openings pursuant to USSSA Rules 3.06.C & 3.06.D.
3.08.B All players added to a frozen Official Online Rosters must meet the following requirements:
3.08.B.1 Player(s) cannot be on another frozen Official Online Roster in the same age division regardless of
3.08.B.2 Player(s) must not have played on a team with a frozen Official Online Roster of higher classification
in the same age division.
3.08.B.3 Player(s) added to a frozen Official Online Roster in the AAA, AA, A & All-Star classifications must
have a traceable playing history within the USSSA online system for the current or previous season.
Rule 3.08 Comment: When a team adds a player(s) and such added player(s) becomes injured, ill or
decides not to participate for any reason, an additional replacement player(s) is not permitted.
3.08.C There shall be no limit to the number of players team managers may release from their frozen Official Online
Roster. A player released from a team’s frozen Official Online Roster shall be prohibited from returning to that
team during the current season.

3.09 Disbanded Teams –
3.09.A A team with a frozen Official Online Roster listing less than nine (9) players, which has used all options for
additions shall be automatically disbanded and shall forfeit all points and / or berths awarded.
3.09.B If a disbanded team chooses to reform, it does so as a new team and;
3.09.B.1 The team manager shall re-register for the current season pursuant to USSSA Rule 3.06.A.
3.09.B.2 The team manager shall be limited to adding six (6) players from the previously disbanded frozen
Official Online Roster to the new Official Online Roster.
3.09.B.3 The team manager shall be bound by all roster and eligibility rules contained within these National
By-laws & Rules.
3.09.B.4 The team shall be required to re-qualify.
3.09.C Any player(s) joining a team from a previously disbanded team shall be bound to the disbanded team’s
classification regardless of age division.
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10 BB

264 Posts

Posted - 03/18/2010 :  21:57:17  Show Profile
I've kept my mouth shut this whole time but I guess I will give my two cents worth!

Papa put it out to be known a week ago that if any team was looking at maybe picking up a player that his grandson would be available to play some tournaments until his team was healed and ready to play again. As most of you know my son has played against and for the Bandits. He knows this young man that all the talk is about and thought that he might enjoy playing with his team. After he and I talked that night I put the phone call in to Dennis the next day. Dennis said that he was very excited about this tournament and that his grandson would love to just be able to compete in such a high profile tourny. He said that if the rules allowed it that he would be honored and that he would talk to his grandson and get back with me in two days. They talked and called me back as he said he excepted. Papa was so happy to be able to root for his grandson and just be a part of the experience.

The next day papa put it out on this site that he might get to compete in this tourny and the firestorm of jealous and fearful people started while all along people forgot that the grandson had not once been let down about this tourny but twice, because papa declined the offer because he didn't want his grandson to have to take the abuse of such ugly people.

When people feel that the integrity of the state is at risk if an 11u Ga. boy plays with a FL. team folks have alot more problems than just losing a baseball tournament and I understand papa's concern for fear of such ignorant people.

Dennis you are my friend and a baseball tournament will never change that. I thank you for just considering the chance for such a great kid to even be a part of our team.


Edited by - 10 BB on 03/19/2010 08:54:31
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913 Posts

Posted - 03/19/2010 :  13:50:05  Show Profile
Wow...Just like Papa said this all boils down to the skill level of the "rental" player. If the Chainsaw couldn't pitch and couldn't hit the ball out of the infield then you would hear ZERO whining about him playing. I'll be willing to bet it wasn't Team Ga or MBA that is complaining about the Bombers getting another player. Because the best teams with the best kids only want to play the BEST. Papa if I was you the big boy would be playing for the Bay Bombers this weekend...

Edited by - Spartan4 on 03/19/2010 20:24:05
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58 Posts

Posted - 03/19/2010 :  15:16:02  Show Profile
10 BB- Very well written. Shame on those that caused this mess. I hope no kid has to set at home any weekend he wants to play. If this is the state of Georgia baseball I would rather play in another state. People please try to remember the kids just want to play, they really don't give a darn about all this other stuff. My son enjoys just as much playing with his little rec team as he does the big time tournaments. They love the tournaments because they hangout with thier friends at the pool. As sad as it is I even hear negative remarks from the rec people because he wants to play with his friends. Jealous that a travel player likes to play during the week with his classmates. ITS FOR THE KIDS NOT US, IF YOUR PART IN THIS AFFECTS THE KIDS THEN YOU ARE WRONG.
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1520 Posts

Posted - 03/19/2010 :  18:52:14  Show Profile
For the ones of you that wondering why 10bb (Florida) and myself (Georgia) have become such close friends. Read his post and you should never ask yourself that question again. I have said it before and I will say it again, If there were more people as involved in their kids lives as 10bb then this world would be a much better place for all and our children's future will begin to look brighter.
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39 Posts

Posted - 03/22/2010 :  08:47:00  Show Profile
OK. So let's talk about the actual tournament a bit. This was a really great tournament with mostly great weather and even better baseball. Way to go and CONGRATULATIONS to the LYNN HAVEN LONGHORNS for winning the Atlanta Super NIT! Who can say they saw that coming? Of the Florida teams I heard all the talk about MBA Pride and had seen the Bay Bombers in action but had heard little of these Longhorns. Our boys got to play them in a hard fought pool play contest and they were nothing but a class act. I certainly hope to play them again.

Along the way to the championship they went undefeated in pool play including an 8-0 shutout of Sandtown. Then to defeat MBA Pride in the semis then shut out the Bay Bombers for the championship! All I can say is that's taking care of business!

There were a bunch of other compelling games as well. How about those Motor City Hit Dogs? For a team that hadn't had any outdoor practice time going into the tournament they also surprised me only losing a 2-1 pool play opener loss to Sandtown and their ace before falling to MBA in the bracket. Despite a few stumbles Sandtown proved once again that they are back and a major force to be reckoned with. They played a great game against Team Georgia in the bracket.

One other note. While watching the Team GA vs. Sandtown game I noticed several of the Bay Bombers and Lynn Haven players hanging out together, joking, and doing all the things that 11 year olds do. It was great to see kids just being kids and enjoying life. That's what it's all about.
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1520 Posts

Posted - 03/22/2010 :  11:14:06  Show Profile
It appears that morgamania was watching the same tournament that Papa was and I also had the opportunity to speak with several of the Lynn Haven parents that I have not had the opportunity to meet before this weekend and agree their entire team appears to be a class act. All of you know that we are really good friends with most of the Bay Bombers and several of the MBA Pride families. I can't wait to get on the field with Lynn Haven and hit some balls around and all this proves that the game of baseball is about a lot more than just baseball.

I also watched the kids playing together and thought to myself that if we would let the kids run the world that it would probably be a much nicer place to be. I watched several of the Bandits renew their friendships made in Cooperstown and was playing tag with several of the MBA Pride team and saw them hanging on the Bay Bombers dug outs encouraging their Bomber friends. On the field they are fierce competitors but off the field they are 11 year old kids looking for a place to have some fun.

It's nice to see this type friendships being made in the 11U division and I hope that all of us parents and coaches encourage these kids to have all the fun they can find.

Edited by - baseballpapa on 03/22/2010 12:09:46
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16 Posts

Posted - 03/22/2010 :  21:59:02  Show Profile
The Super NIT was a great tournament and there were alot of great teams. One thing that was perfectly clear was that the FLA teams were loaded with pitchers and hitters through out the line up. The Sandtown Red Sox also proved that they can't be disgarded just yet, they played well for their first Tournament of the year. This was Sandtowns first time having all there players together at one time. Team Ga was overated a little and really missed a great opportunity to supplaint Sandtown as the second best 11u team in GA. The the team from Detroit was also a very good team and played well in the tournament. Lynn Haven by far was the best team in the tournament and was truly a class act and played the game of baseball the way it was supposed to be played. It was also nice to see the Bandits and there coaches, I wish them a speedy recovery and look foward to seeing them back on the diamond soon.
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Longhorn Fan

35 Posts

Posted - 03/24/2010 :  12:01:43  Show Profile
Sometimes teams just have weekends where every decision that is made is the right one and it is executed to perfection by the players. We enjoyed this tournament more than any other we have ever played in. We had a game plan coming into Sunday that turned out to be the correct one. Our players did an outstanding job and our coaches continued to work together and make decisions together by discussing lineups, situation strategies, pitching decisions, pitch sequences based on our scouting reports; etc. All of our coaches have input into how we are going to approach a tournament or a specific opponent. Again, everything just fell into place. We want to continue to compete on this level because it brings the best out of our players. We also realize that our ultimate goal is to get all of our boys ready to play high school baseball and to always remind them to play loose because it is ultimately just a game.

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