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1520 Posts

Posted - 01/13/2010 :  07:31:44  Show Profile
I just checked the web site and the only team showing signed up for the 11U is the East Cobb Titans. The tournament is only 2 months from happening. Why do you think the teams are waiting? Who do you think will play? If there are no strong teams willing to come is this one worth the effort? I feel sure that the Bandits are coming but might be waiting to be sure the competition is going to be there. Let's go boys, its getting close so let's get this site popping with some baseball chatter.

I also noted several strong teams signed up for the Triple Crown at ATPP that same weekend. Will this hurt the NIT.
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1520 Posts

Posted - 01/17/2010 :  11:22:44  Show Profile
Guys, Help ole Papa out. I just checked the site and with just a month remaining all I see is 2 11U teams listed. The East Cobb Titans and Gulf Coast Lightning are the only 2 signed up. Is this unusual or common for this tournament. The other tournament at ATPP is almost full. Are my friends the Bay Bombers coming. Where are the other elite Florida teams. Do they have so many opportunities in Florida (4) that they don't feel the need to come to Atlanta and have the Georgia teams tired of dealing with USSSA and decided to play elsewhere. I thought we were all willing to give Bubba a chance to get USSSA back on track in Georgia. I am sure the Bandits are coming and will find out for sure this week. Or is this the calm before the storm and should we expect the slots to begin filling up fast as the deadline approaches.
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68 Posts

Posted - 01/17/2010 :  19:53:41  Show Profile
when is the tim and faith tourney? that seems like a good opportunity and a good cause.
10bb's boys played their travel team at a grand slam tourney in P.C. good bunch of folks.
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1633 Posts

Posted - 01/18/2010 :  09:00:20  Show Profile
One reason ATL's Super NIT doesn't fill up fast like Triple Crown tourney/s is because TC offers an attractive early bird discount and the S-NIT doesn't. I see the S-NIT (and Slugfest) as the best chances for teams to play the widest variety of competition from across Georgia and the Southeast.

The TC tourneys have such a strong local following its practically a league, so you can play those teams any time.

After these 3 tourneys are in the record books, see how many out of County/State 11U teams played each. History will repeat itself.
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1520 Posts

Posted - 01/18/2010 :  10:48:58  Show Profile
I can promise that you will see the Bandits at the Slugfest. This is and has always been one of my most favorite tournaments. Not only for the competition but for the cause. I just hope the weather cooperates with them and it doesn't snow us out.

I will keep an eye on the SNIT and see how it plays out. 4 weeks is not a long time. Bandits are working hard and have started working out several times each week so we will be ready for whatever works itself out.
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240 Posts

Posted - 01/18/2010 :  11:25:49  Show Profile

I am amazed on how you can bash what Triple Crown Baseball is all about in your last statement. Let me tell you that we are the farthest thing from a league that you can just play in every week. You always seem to comment on how great the facilities are that we utilize and wish that your county would build these type of complexes. Guess that is why we do have such a great following locally is because people realize what they have in their own backyard. We offer the early bird discounts an opportunity for teams to save money moving into the 2010 season (which USSSA or any other organization can not match!) You say that the Slugfest and Super Nit are the only places you can find the widest range of competition??????? I beg to differ and find it very funny that you do not even recognize the out of town teams that we do bring in. Look at the opening Triple Crown Spring Frost event????? Looks pretty competitive for me, and if I was in one of those age groups, I would be chomping at the bit to play in that tournament. We do not see your Dobbs Creek Warriors in any of our events????? Guess that we are not competitive enough for your team. Doug Bailey and Bubba Smith do a great job for USSSA and we have always respected each other's work. Just seems that there will always be people out there who always have their own opinion of how things should benefit them and get others to follow!
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5 Posts

Posted - 01/18/2010 :  17:15:49  Show Profile
Tony thanks for running such high class tournaments. I'm so thankful our team does not have to travel all over to find quality competition. We are so spoiled as a community to be able to play this level of competition every month. We are also playing in the USSSA Super Nit and am not looking forward to the mess in South Atlanta. Hey Bill see you in a Triple Crown this Year? Come enjoy the experience.
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1520 Posts

Posted - 01/18/2010 :  17:45:47  Show Profile
TC, You must have read something between the lines that Papa didn't read that moser posted concerning Triple Crown. I didn't think he bashed you at all. I would feel honored to know that teams kept coming back to my events and this only says that you are doing something very right. If Triple Crown is like a league then to me it would be a league of the very best teams North Georgia offers. I looked at the Triple Crown Spring Frost and it looks as strong as any of our early tournaments we are looking at and in fact if it is not full I understand that the Bandits might be coming due to the competition already entered.

I think that Triple Crown is now and has always been one of our favorite places to play. The tournaments are always and I said always well run and the web site is kept up to date. I love Triple Crown events and hope we play as many as we can. I have always liked the Slugfest although it generally is a 50/50 chance that the weather will cooperate with the Slugfest. Slugfest is also held for a wonderful cause.

I think what we are seeing is that there is now more competition than ever in hosting a youth baseball tournament. You must be ever vigilant and make sure you are offering not only the best competition and the nicest venue but also mix in the personal touch that you do so well. You are easy to find at the fields and more TD's should make note of this one simple thing that you do so well.

My least favorite the last couple of years has been USSSA due to the fact that you seldom if ever saw a TD walking the fields but I understand and expect Bubba to do a much better job with this. All of the TD's have positive things and negative things and the key to being successful is doing more things the right way than the other guy. Almost as simple as the game itself.

Look forward to seeing you soon.

Edited by - baseballpapa on 01/18/2010 18:33:48
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1633 Posts

Posted - 01/18/2010 :  20:55:58  Show Profile
TC said: "I am amazed on how you (Moser) can bash what Triple Crown Baseball is all about"

BMoser said: "The TC tourneys have such a strong local following..."

TC said" "You (Moser)always seem to comment on how great the facilities are that we utilize"

TC said: "we are the farthest thing from a league..."

Merriam-Webster's Dictionary definition of a league: "a group of sports teams that regularly play one another"

TC said: "You (Moser) say that the Slugfest and Super Nit are the only places you can find the widest range of..."

BMoser said: " the S-NIT (and Slugfest) as the best chances for teams to play the widest variety of competition..."

TC said: "you (Moser) do not even recognize the out of town teams that we do bring in"

BMoser: 09 Frost AND March Mayhem 10U+11U+12U = 3 non-Georgia teams, S-NIT = 28. I could recognize the Bay Bombers, but not the other 2.

Warriors Baseball has TC on its schedule for '10 after a disappointing all-USSSA '09. I don't think we're playing in the S-NIT, but I can't recall where we are that weekend, maybe TC. I cant access our Coach's 2010 agenda from Tampa Bay (see South Florida USSSA Fall State Championships).

My opinions are always fact based, and I choose my words carefully. I'll do hours of research before posting, but I'm also guilty of fishing for info when I cant find it (see Midway in AAA post). TC in Cobb County has a great reputation among local teams, but not Regionally like S-NIT's do, and I stand firmly by my post.

My post was geared to an Elite team who I was trying to help conserve cash/time. It's fact that TC's March event will not possess as much Southeast Regional competition as the S-NIT for an 11u Elite team. Please do not read anything else into it. Papa took it my post in its proper context, but I always stand ready to defend any position I take, so thanks for holding me accountable.

Now, if ANYONE can show me a worse men's room than Monroe's, call me out. This could be my weakest moment. Tough to quantify this topic.

reporting from his Tampa hotel room just to keep you all informed, BMoser signing off.

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369 Posts

Posted - 01/18/2010 :  22:42:17  Show Profile
Don't pick on us out here in Walton Co. J&B do a great job running tournaments. I am not a fan of USSSA, but J&B do a great job. Criswell is the best complex with 4+ fields on this side of town and in our (GA Select's backyard).

If you haven't played here, you should come sometime. I know we and Team GA would like some of ya'll to come on over. We may even throw something on the grill for you.

I wish Triple Crown and Nations could get in that park some.
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61 Posts

Posted - 01/18/2010 :  23:32:52  Show Profile
Hamptons is terrible Mr.Moser
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80 Posts

Posted - 01/19/2010 :  01:38:30  Show Profile
Originally posted by 6bomber

when is the tim and faith tourney? that seems like a good opportunity and a good cause.
10bb's boys played their travel team at a grand slam tourney in P.C. good bunch of folks.

I haven't seen anything yet from these people and wondering which weekend they plan to do it and if it will be run by the same bunch.
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1633 Posts

Posted - 01/19/2010 :  13:08:41  Show Profile
I think I'll be going there this year for a tourney, so will prepare accordingly. I'll report back on my findings.

Originally posted by blowinsmoke

Hamptons is terrible Mr.Moser

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120 Posts

Posted - 01/19/2010 :  15:02:18  Show Profile
Since this is an 11u board and this thread is about 11u, some counterports to Mr. Moser (whom I thought never left Gwinnett)

TC Spring Frost - 3 out of state teams (NJ, KY, FL)
Slugfest - 0 out of state teams
Super NIT - 1 out of state team (FL)

While I agree you didn't attack TC as was implied, you definitely let your anti-Cobb bias obscure the facts on this one.

Having said this, if USSSA Georgia had a better venue that Henry Co. for the Super NIT, TC would have a real problem drawing teams that weekend. I don't think you'll ever see Tony showing up in Henry Co.

Originally posted by bmoser

TC said: "I am amazed on how you (Moser) can bash what Triple Crown Baseball is all about"

BMoser said: "The TC tourneys have such a strong local following..."

TC said" "You (Moser)always seem to comment on how great the facilities are that we utilize"

TC said: "we are the farthest thing from a league..."

Merriam-Webster's Dictionary definition of a league: "a group of sports teams that regularly play one another"

TC said: "You (Moser) say that the Slugfest and Super Nit are the only places you can find the widest range of..."

BMoser said: " the S-NIT (and Slugfest) as the best chances for teams to play the widest variety of competition..."

TC said: "you (Moser) do not even recognize the out of town teams that we do bring in"

BMoser: 09 Frost AND March Mayhem 10U+11U+12U = 3 non-Georgia teams, S-NIT = 28. I could recognize the Bay Bombers, but not the other 2.

Warriors Baseball has TC on its schedule for '10 after a disappointing all-USSSA '09. I don't think we're playing in the S-NIT, but I can't recall where we are that weekend, maybe TC. I cant access our Coach's 2010 agenda from Tampa Bay (see South Florida USSSA Fall State Championships).

My opinions are always fact based, and I choose my words carefully. I'll do hours of research before posting, but I'm also guilty of fishing for info when I cant find it (see Midway in AAA post). TC in Cobb County has a great reputation among local teams, but not Regionally like S-NIT's do, and I stand firmly by my post.

My post was geared to an Elite team who I was trying to help conserve cash/time. It's fact that TC's March event will not possess as much Southeast Regional competition as the S-NIT for an 11u Elite team. Please do not read anything else into it. Papa took it my post in its proper context, but I always stand ready to defend any position I take, so thanks for holding me accountable.

Now, if ANYONE can show me a worse men's room than Monroe's, call me out. This could be my weakest moment. Tough to quantify this topic.

reporting from his Tampa hotel room just to keep you all informed, BMoser signing off.

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142 Posts

Posted - 01/20/2010 :  18:34:11  Show Profile
Guys, if you don't like the tournament,director,facilities,fields,umpires,competition,
concessions,restrooms,gate fees or anything else....then don't go! There are alot of people that donate time to make many of these happen.....let the kids play.
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1520 Posts

Posted - 01/20/2010 :  21:15:12  Show Profile
Your post and your name go together well TBall. Why would anyone given the choice not want to play at the nicer venues with a good Director with good concessions and nice restrooms. And let's not forget handicap friendly.

You can bet that we won't go to the places that do not make us feel needed. This is a good place to let the Directors know what makes us want to play and where we like to play so that they can make what we want happen.
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1633 Posts

Posted - 01/21/2010 :  07:56:46  Show Profile
I could not agree more TBall, that is why our team plays where it does, and makes the change's we do each season. Our highest overall satisfaction rate has been playing tourneys in Forsyth and Gwinnett, so that's where we play, but this coming season we're putting our toes in the water elsewhere (TC)and also trying the new orgs out like Nations. As a AAA caliber team, we have many more options than an Elite or major team would have. We can find teams that can push us in our backyard, or all over the ATL.

Originally posted by Tball

Guys, if you don't like the tournament,director,facilities,fields,umpires,competition,
concessions,restrooms,gate fees or anything else....then don't go! There are alot of people that donate time to make many of these happen.....let the kids play.

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1633 Posts

Posted - 01/21/2010 :  09:27:51  Show Profile
My post on this topic was directed towards a rising Elite 11u team that will be playing some 12U, and was wondering which tourney will yield the widest variety of competition. This context was key.

I used last years 10u+11u+12u teams from out of State that played Frost, Slugfest, and SNIT in that narrow context. Last year, this Elite 10U team played in 10u in early Spring, so I included 10U, now they are transitioning to 11u, so I included 11u. They will be playing some 12U early this Spring, so I added 12u.

So, in this narrow context, it is fact: TC=3, SNIT=28 no obscuring, no anti-Cobb biased, just fact.

I made absolutely zero reference to facilities, so how is that relevant to variety of competition? I see no direct connection, but I'll add one since you have. A wider variety of out of state teams across the 10,11,& 12U age groups play ATL's S-NIT versus Spring Frost even though the facilities are worse by a ratio of 28-3.

I hope I have cleared this up in your mind because I care about what you think. We will be playing some TC for the first time ever this season, so we'll see you over there. If I had a strong anti-Cobb biased, I would not have my son playing over there.

I happen to think that ATPP and EC are two of the finest facilities in Georgia, and TC's loyal following, attractive early bird discounts, quick web site updates, accessibility, communication, and quality of competition is why we chose to come on over.

There are specific circumstances that can make other sites/venues/tourney orgs more attractive for some of the people some of the time. If that's biasedness, then I'm biased.
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1520 Posts

Posted - 01/21/2010 :  09:52:03  Show Profile
Checked site and there are still only 2 major teams entered in the 11U Super NIT. What is going on here.
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10 BB

264 Posts

Posted - 01/21/2010 :  10:09:57  Show Profile
Papa, this maybe an answere as to why Ga. only gets one Super NIT, or the numbers are in retaliation for only getting one Super NIT. Either way it's not good for Ga. USSSA but I think the numbers will rise as the tourny gets close. By the way we are coming to compete in it.
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831 Posts

Posted - 01/21/2010 :  10:24:06  Show Profile
Originally posted by baseballpapa

Checked site and there are still only 2 major teams entered in the 11U Super NIT. What is going on here.

Hopefully, USSSA is just behind in updating the website !!
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120 Posts

Posted - 01/21/2010 :  10:39:50  Show Profile
Moser -

Not trying to pick on you, but somebody's got to have a discerning opinion to the master sometimes.

If you're comparing last year's fields then I agree with you. There were several great teams from FL and quite a few from AL if my memory is correct. But location, facilities, etc matter. I believe this is why you don't see these same teams registered this year. That's where I connect it with your observations. We can't get the teams in Cobb to go to Henry Co. again, how are you going to get the teams from FL, AL, TN, etc.

Originally posted by bmoser

My post on this topic was directed towards a rising Elite 11u team that will be playing some 12U, and was wondering which tourney will yield the widest variety of competition. This context was key.

I used last years 10u+11u+12u teams from out of State that played Frost, Slugfest, and SNIT in that narrow context. Last year, this Elite 10U team played in 10u in early Spring, so I included 10U, now they are transitioning to 11u, so I included 11u. They will be playing some 12U early this Spring, so I added 12u.

So, in this narrow context, it is fact: TC=3, SNIT=28 no obscuring, no anti-Cobb biased, just fact.

I made absolutely zero reference to facilities, so how is that relevant to variety of competition? I see no direct connection, but I'll add one since you have. A wider variety of out of state teams across the 10,11,& 12U age groups play ATL's S-NIT versus Spring Frost even though the facilities are worse by a ratio of 28-3.

I hope I have cleared this up in your mind because I care about what you think. We will be playing some TC for the first time ever this season, so we'll see you over there. If I had a strong anti-Cobb biased, I would not have my son playing over there.

I happen to think that ATPP and EC are two of the finest facilities in Georgia, and TC's loyal following, attractive early bird discounts, quick web site updates, accessibility, communication, and quality of competition is why we chose to come on over.

There are specific circumstances that can make other sites/venues/tourney orgs more attractive for some of the people some of the time. If that's biasedness, then I'm biased.

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831 Posts

Posted - 01/21/2010 :  11:22:05  Show Profile
Stinger, you are unfortunately right. I personally would choose never to go back to a tournament where they held the Super NIT last year. When I got down there for our first pool game, there was a guy dragging something behind a lawn tractor attempting to prepare a field for play. The field was hard as a rock and had rocks all over the infield. The fence for 10u major was 180' - this is a long popup for the better 10u hitters. Then there's the traffic, no TD, etc. We did play a couple of bracket games in Hampton which was much better and the fences were 200'. Isn't there a way this tournament could be held in LaGrange or Dalton or Cumming ??
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1633 Posts

Posted - 01/21/2010 :  11:41:40  Show Profile
Its all about the Golden ticket that opens up Disney's magical gate. That's the honey that draws the swarm from far off. Sometimes, even Elite teams will need 2 or 3 cracks at it. Its an awesome atmosphere, and will have the toughest 11u field of any tourney in 2010 that I know of. Run-of-the-mill Major teams need not apply in 11u. In 10u and 12u teams have the Cooperstown option that dilutes the talent (see Bandits 10U schedule), but in 11u it really is the Elite 32, and this is widely known.

I hope the TC tourneys outside Cobb make because the drive is brutal for East siders to Cobb unless we get perfect game times. We'd really like to see a large field of teams in Alpharetta. I think that date conflicts w/ something else going on at that time which impacts its draw.

You'd think a large Cobb-based residential fencing retailer would love to have their ads all over ATPP so would donate the cages.

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10 BB

264 Posts

Posted - 01/26/2010 :  19:44:45  Show Profile
I see that MBA Pride are signed up for this tournament! We are playing in it also just haven't signed up yet.
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