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Posted - 04/24/2011 :  18:00:22  Show Profile
After a game this weekend we were waiting to enter the dugout when we noticed the coach had taken his team to left field. The other team cleared out of their dugout and allowed the team we were about to play to warm up. We made our kids go through the large gate in hopes he would see our kids and get going. He continued to give some sort of dissertation for 20 minutes. Our kids were literally passing around his huddle. He never wavered. He finally left 4 minutes before our game began. He looked at us and greeted us nicely as if he had done nothing wrong. Am I missing something or isn't this an unwritten rule of baseball etiquette to quickly clear out after a game?

WPBulls Coach

99 Posts

Posted - 05/09/2011 :  15:17:25  Show Profile
Sounds like he had a complete brain freeze. Teams should only do this if it's the only game or the last game of the day. Probably wanted to stay clear of the parents. But that's no excuse. Next time I would probably politely ask them to take it to the sidelines.
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