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158 Posts

Posted - 05/08/2011 :  21:28:03  Show Profile
Guys, what are your opinions on coaches showing bunt on first pitches with no real attempt to bunt. I think its really not teaching the correct approach at bat, especially when you might be putting the kid in the hole off the top. Coaches are proably doing it for different reason but waving the bat like you are bunting and pulling back just to draw a ball in most cases...is not teaching good baseball...when I played my coach would say put it in their ear hole...but you can't do that at 9 yrs old.


148 Posts

Posted - 05/09/2011 :  09:23:55  Show Profile
I'm with you on this one coach....we've encountered this on quite a few occassions this year. I understand if you have runners on and want to see how a teams defense is going to adjust, or trying to actually bunting for a hit.... but I see this strategy being utilized very little, and instead coaches are relying on the whole bat waggle to distract a pitcher in hopes of having the pitcher, pitching from behind.

Just for the record I'm completely against slashing, butcher boy and any other name people may call it where a kid shows bunt pulls back and swings away.
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77 Posts

Posted - 05/09/2011 :  10:44:54  Show Profile
I couldn't agree more. We watched a team in the semi this weekend show bunt EVERY TIME on the first pitch. This seems pretty cheap to me. Last I checked in 9U the runner advances about 95% of the time anyway......... so what's the point. How about this work on better leads and not gimicks to advance your runners. Spend practices on hit and run , proper cuts , anything but the fake bunt trick or the bat waggle.

They have to be a little older before they hear the "chin music"
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49 Posts

Posted - 05/09/2011 :  11:18:06  Show Profile

Not a problem for me at all.

Bunting is a part of the game and a hitter has less of a chance hitting a pitch when acting the fool anyway; throw a strike.

on the other hand, I saw another team last weekend clapping their hands while on base specifically to distract the pitcher; punk city.

Grow up coaches.
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263 Posts

Posted - 05/09/2011 :  11:57:16  Show Profile
+1 misfit. that play totally ruined our game this weekend IMHO. It got into our kids heads. I know what we will be practicing now! And it's not bunting!
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Cumming baseball

62 Posts

Posted - 05/09/2011 :  13:21:59  Show Profile
Clapping should be banned when a runner is on any base. We saw that alot this weekend. Trying to fake a bunt to move runner is baseball, waving the bat to distract the pitcher is unacceptable and the batter be out.
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50 Posts

Posted - 05/09/2011 :  14:47:02  Show Profile
Bunting is an advanced skill, as witnessed by the instructional time put into it at the professional level. Visit a Major League Spring Training camp, and go to the back fields and watch how much time is put into bunting.

It's not simple. I don't teach it at 9u. I have precious little practice time, and I am resolute on teaching and practicing a good swing. The only 9u kids I see that are capable of bunting well should be swinging the bat, because they are the better hitters and are far more dangerous swinging than bunting.

Combined that with 65' feet basepaths, and a pitcher that less than 40' from home plate, and the field isn't really big enough to do much with bunting. I will emphasize bunting when the kids move up to the 90' field.
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WPBulls Coach

99 Posts

Posted - 05/09/2011 :  15:14:31  Show Profile
I only have them fake bunt occasionally.

There are a few reasons:
See what bunt defense is being called/played
Draw 3B in to steal behind him from second
Make sure we take a strike when we are down late
Draw corners in giving a hitter better chance to drive one
through IF

Again I only do this when situation calls for it.

I never like the kids to wave or waggle the bat, to me this gives the umpire a reason to call a close pitch a strike.

Not sure why anyone would need to do this to steal a base. I have been coaching older ages until recently coming back to 9U. I guess I better be ready for immature coaching by guys that have never coached or played at a higher level. Should make for an interesting summer.
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49 Posts

Posted - 05/09/2011 :  15:22:30  Show Profile
Agree on the bat waving thing...good point.

I must add the 'Funky Chicken Dance' or whatever it is called that some young fellow did last weekend while on third base and attempting to distract the pitcher was one of the worst displays of sportsmanship I have ever seen.

LOL..his sideline thought it a hoot, I had to look away for embarrassment.

Again, good job coach.
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77 Posts

Posted - 05/09/2011 :  17:28:30  Show Profile
Let me be clear. I have no problem with bunting!!!!! Only one kid bunted and he got thrown out the rest showed bunt on the first pitch to draw the corners and 2nd to rotate to first. This was not an attempt to bunt this was just to move the runner(s)over. Bunt or hit and run to move the is great and hats off if you execute.

I must be use to 12U baseball where the coaches have out grown that or no longer are coaches.

By the way North Forsyth Crush is a class group. Must be something about Forsyth?? WFDD AND NF Crush parents , players and coaches have great class.
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241 Posts

Posted - 05/10/2011 :  11:48:32  Show Profile
Originally posted by gvblack

The only 9u kids I see that are capable of bunting well should be swinging the bat, because they are the better hitters and are far more dangerous swinging than bunting.

Combined that with 65' feet basepaths, and a pitcher that less than 40' from home plate, and the field isn't really big enough to do much with bunting. I will emphasize bunting when the kids move up to the 90' field.

I respectfully disagree - a well executed, timely bunt is a game changer at any level, 65 ft bases or beyond.. All players on a team of mine will know how to execute a bunt, because all players may at some point be called on to bunt, because not every kid is a 4 hole hitter- to me this is something you work on at every practice, no different than run down drills and hitting cutoffs. True we don't work on as much as pro's, but we also do not have position specific practices and throwing days and everything else pro's do during spring training - I only have 5+ hrs a week to teach them the game, and hopefully by spring training of major leagues, someone has taken the time to teach them, and they are drilling technique at that point.I can promise you, each one of my players can and will be able to execute a bunt by the time they move on from me, otherwise I have not done my job developing them.

Now, fake bunts out of context (not trying to advance runners) or bat waggles are bush league - goes along with the hand clapping and the dugout screaming at the apex of a pitchers throw...

Edited by - ramman999 on 05/10/2011 11:51:22
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35 Posts

Posted - 05/10/2011 :  13:52:48  Show Profile
Bunting is a fundamental neccessity for any player.

Waving the bat wildly on a fake bunt is just a good way to get hurt at 9U. It a guaranteed way to get hurt badly at older age groups.

At 9U all wild waving fake bunting does is distract the young pitcher already teetering on the edge of wildness. Combine that with a poor wide open bunting stance and you have all that is needed for a severe injury.

We did NOT throw at anyone last time it occurred at 9U. We did throw inside and hard as we always do no matter the batter. Wild waving fake bunters did get hit hard when the pitcher missed. Wild waving fake bunting stopped soon after. But it took a very scary situation to be seen first.

Coaches, YOU are going to get your kids hurt badly doing this wild waving fake bunt nonsense. Please teach them right. And please make sure all your bunters get themselves in a proper position to get out of the way of wild pitches. There is a lot of chest, face, and hand area open for major injury.

Edited by - Scorekeeper on 05/10/2011 13:56:19
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263 Posts

Posted - 05/10/2011 :  23:46:26  Show Profile
Originally posted by misfit33

By the way North Forsyth Crush is a class group. Must be something about Forsyth?? WFDD AND NF Crush parents , players and coaches have great class.

Misfit=thank you for the kind words. we are a first year team and are enjoying everything baseball! I wish we could have tried to redeem ourselves in a full on 6 inning game with you guys but we came up short...lesson learned. Congrats on the win this past weekend and good luck the rest of the year!
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