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 Triple Crown for 9U
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20 Posts

Posted - 04/08/2011 :  19:47:01  Show Profile
Just wondering why most of the top teams seem to be playing in Triple Crown each week. Whats the difference in rules vs USSSA in 9U?


86 Posts

Posted - 04/09/2011 :  17:14:38  Show Profile
Triple Crown is more objective than USSSA. When USSSA has a tournament south of Atlanta then the brackets and calls are in favor of a couple of teams. Most teams have known about this favoritism for a while but now we have a choice. Maybe a little bit of competition for USSSA will get them to be more objective. This is not just my opinion but also the opinion of quite a few of the other teams.
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4 Posts

Posted - 04/10/2011 :  22:35:11  Show Profile
Memphis, that is a very strong statement, considering the teams from the South dont say the same about the NORTH TOURNEYS. WE JUST SHOW UP AND WIN THEM. USSSA pool play is right off the point system.
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86 Posts

Posted - 04/11/2011 :  09:26:04  Show Profile
The question was asked so I thought an honest answer was the best response. I will make an attempt to clarify. I agree that USSSA does use the point system in pool play. I think the area that comes in to question is the placement of teams in the pools. I have seen USSSA place 3-4 strong teams in a 5 team pool while leaving other pools with 1 to 2 strong teams.
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49 Posts

Posted - 04/13/2011 :  09:18:29  Show Profile

"Triple Crown is more objective than USSSA"
So the Raiders bracket games are against the only 8U team in the tourney and another team with a power rating(USSSA) around a buck-eighty.
LilStinger's bracket games are against teams with USSSA power ratings of about 1K each.
Luck of the draw I guess. LOL
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26 Posts

Posted - 04/13/2011 :  10:40:05  Show Profile
Originally posted by Stinger44

"Triple Crown is more objective than USSSA"
So the Raiders bracket games are against the only 8U team in the tourney and another team with a power rating(USSSA) around a buck-eighty.
LilStinger's bracket games are against teams with USSSA power ratings of about 1K each.
Luck of the draw I guess. LOL

No, it is not the luck of the draw. TC has their "favorites" in all age groups and they try to make sure that these teams do well in the tournament. If you have never played in a Triple Crown tournament, you will be playing the toughest teams.
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33 Posts

Posted - 04/13/2011 :  12:28:41  Show Profile
If anyone is looking for something other than triple crown, there are some some good tournaments coming up. Here is one that looks to have great competition:
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278 Posts

Posted - 04/18/2011 :  08:11:13  Show Profile

Wow guys, those are some really strong statements about the "real" or "perceived" impressions of favortism towards some teams/coaches/organizations. If these perceptions reach the tipping point, I could see the Atlanta Travel Baseball scene evolving in the next few years towards more teams hosting medium to large competitive tournaments themselves rather being subjected to the whims of the big tournament outfits USSSA and Triple Crown.

Consider for example the Atlanta Bluejays tourny where fans got the see the GA Raiders 9u, EC Longhorns 9u, GA Yarddogs Blk 9u all matched up in one tourny.

And who benefits; the players and teams as these venues could be ultra competitive, allow teams to play the top competition several times per month, and allow teams to generate needed income to fund their travel ball endeavors including out of town trips where they could match up with top teams from around the country.

If this were to occur, then TC and especially USSSA could become EXPENSIVE rec leagues. USSSA would probably be happy as they'll get their money and teams like the EC Longhorns won't have to endure games where they win 22-1 and run-rule teams in two innings. Games like that don't provide either team a competitive environment and who wants to pay to play games like that.

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9U Coach

30 Posts

Posted - 04/18/2011 :  08:15:05  Show Profile
Okay, I'll go first.................What a crazy tournament. A lot of games that did not go the way most of us would have thought, especially in pool play. Congrats to the Longhorns!
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