Heard parents have to sign a contract/agreement to play on teams at east cobb? Does that mean a player can't change teams once they signed this agreement?
The "Players agreement/Contract" that some coaches are telling parents its a "contract" to stay on their team is nothing more than the East Cobb yearly registration form. If an East Cobb coach tells a parent they are under contract for their team, they are wrong, I believe things get tighter at 15 & up at East Cobb but below that, its the same type of "contract" my 6 year old signs up for to play coach pitch at Adams Park, a basic registration form.
senior Gates is correctamundo, the player contract is something that is not enforced and in fact, there are plenty of examples where players have switched teams in the spring. This was confirmed with the head honcho at EC so please keep in mind there is nothing that "binds" a player to a team.
Please keep in mind, coaches are not promoting that players need to leave their current teams and have it be a free for all but if you are unhappy with your current team, leaving can happen without an issue.