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4 seam

46 Posts

Posted - 08/30/2010 :  12:28:46  Show Profile
I think to many people make to much of AA vs AAA. I hear parents say well he is a AA player or AAA player. These parents are clueless and say this for there own ego.

I think there is a difference though in being a major player.

But Parents please, the only difference in AA/AAA teams is one or two more pitchers! (except the top 5 AAA teams that play for trophies instead of playing Major where they belong)!!

Edited by - 4 seam on 08/30/2010 12:30:05


128 Posts

Posted - 08/30/2010 :  12:40:31  Show Profile
For the top 5 AA teams there isn't a difference between them and most AAA teams, the big difference is between the average AA vs. the average AAA team. It's an overall difference, the batting lineup is stronger, the defense is better and pitching is faster.

As far as saying that one kid is AA vs. AAA is tough and unfair on any player because on certain AA teams he might have to play SS where that is not his best position and on a AAA team maybe he's an outfielder and better suited there. There is a fine line between AA & AAA players, it's all subjective anyway so there is no way to judge that.
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575 Posts

Posted - 08/30/2010 :  12:45:18  Show Profile
Agree 100%!
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326 Posts

Posted - 08/31/2010 :  03:23:16  Show Profile
I agree with you but until organizations like Usssa enforce their trophy hunting or sandbagging rules its always going to happen. I personally think that teams who do trophy hunt and play weaker tournaments are doing a disservice to their players. I have seen this happen in Florida too often as well as in Georgia. It got to a point in Florida where too many teams were sandbagging that true AA teams stopped playing in Usssa because they were being beat on by these teams that were sandbagging.

Originally posted by 4 seam

I think to many people make to much of AA vs AAA. I hear parents say well he is a AA player or AAA player. These parents are clueless and say this for there own ego.

I think there is a difference though in being a major player.

But Parents please, the only difference in AA/AAA teams is one or two more pitchers! (except the top 5 AAA teams that play for trophies instead of playing Major where they belong)!!

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913 Posts

Posted - 08/31/2010 :  11:04:45  Show Profile
I agree G-Man, we classified at AAA to begin the season last year and I hated it. In my opinion winning is very important but not to the point of playing inferior talent to do so. Our team eventually played up once we lost a few and picked up another stud. Other than that there was really only one team who seemed to play under their true level. Doing this is absolutely pointless to the good major quality kids on the team. Making boys that are top 25-50 in the state play with boys that don't have the same skills really does nothing good for anyone. Plus I always think if your boy pitches you have a little different mentality, it gets really really old seeing routine ground balls go between the legs of your weaker players. It is what it is but the teams that do this know it and they will always try to justify it.
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