Son needed a sports physical and they did an eye exam. I can't remember the last time he had one since he never seemed to have an issue. The tech came back very excited to let me know he had 2013 vision. I was not even sure what that meant. She explained that he had unusually good vision.
I did a quick search and saw that very good vision was a common thread amongst higher level players.
Anyone know why their ball players vision is and want to share?
20/30, which would pass a school physical but I ask him to wear contacts for baseball.
My kid is also color deficient, which makes the ball stand out a LOT more when it's coming at him, but not so great for the same colored clouds, lol! He's the only kid I know that wears sunglasses on a cloudy day :- )
I scared to find out what my vision is, but I will probably need glasses soon. I can't imagine having 2013 vision. Wonder if all that using the smartphone impacts vision.
Anyhow, read that sometimes vision is used to project players.