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 Are academy tryouts worth it for a first timer?
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4 Posts

Posted - 07/05/2017 :  11:54:23  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I apologize in advance if this subject has been covered in a previous post. My son has played rec and all-stars since he was 6. He has been asking us for a while now to move to travel ball. So, this summer we are planning to attend several tryouts. Since this is the first time we have ever navigated travel tryouts, I was hoping to get some input from you veterans out there. We have several baseball academies in our area, and I am wondering (even if he doesn't make a team) if it is worth the time and effort (and money) to attend those tryouts, just for the experience. Or will he be better served just sticking to tryouts with travel teams from area parks?


985 Posts

Posted - 07/05/2017 :  14:19:56  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I would determine which "academies" or other teams are a good fit for your son and family. Start there. If the coaches, other families, players, facilities, etc., don't fit with your goals, then don't bother.

Once you've determined fit, then it's definitely a great idea for your son to jump into the tryouts. This will give you a good idea of how your son stacks up with other players and will help you determine what level of teams he has a chance to be a part of. He may fit very well with one of those teams and be offered a spot.

Worst case, he doesn't make any of those teams, but gains some good experience through the tryout process.

Guaranteed, he will not make 100% of the teams for which he doesn't try out.
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149 Posts

Posted - 07/08/2017 :  11:13:47  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
The reality is that most (all?) of the teams have the majority of their rosters set PRIOR to any official tryouts. So I'd HIGHLY recommend you read through the "looking for players" section for your age group below, and directly contact the coaches of the teams your son is interested in. Set up a tryout/workout before the official tryout. It'll save you lots of time and money going to these cattle call tryouts......
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204 Posts

Posted - 07/08/2017 :  17:38:12  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Not sure academies are worth the money in the younger age groups. At least 50% of the kids son played with have quit baseball over the years. Under 12 I feel dad coaches who teach fundamentals are good enough most of the time. Is he having fun, learning., and being competitive.? Many dad coached teams can provide that. Invest your money in hitting lessons, because he will need it.

After 13u everything changes with 60/90 and BBCOR bats. That is when you will reap the rewards of the hitting lessons and those 14u teams don't care where you played from 9-12.
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4 Posts

Posted - 07/11/2017 :  19:55:27  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks everyone! I appreciate your input and thoughtful responses. I feel much more "informed" now. I have already contacted a few coaches, have some lessons lined up and some tryouts on the calendar. Here we go...
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97 Posts

Posted - 07/13/2017 :  11:02:40  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Bravemom

Not sure academies are worth the money in the younger age groups. At least 50% of the kids son played with have quit baseball over the years. Under 12 I feel dad coaches who teach fundamentals are good enough most of the time. Is he having fun, learning., and being competitive.? Many dad coached teams can provide that. Invest your money in hitting lessons, because he will need it.

After 13u everything changes with 60/90 and BBCOR bats. That is when you will reap the rewards of the hitting lessons and those 14u teams don't care where you played from 9-12.

Very well put.
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