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75 Posts

Posted - 05/16/2013 :  14:28:51  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I figure this might be the best place to ask....

How long should the clips be for players walk up music?


985 Posts

Posted - 05/16/2013 :  15:23:43  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Uhmmm, how about none.

When they're getting paid to play by a professional team, they've earned walk up music. Otherwise, it's cheesy, classless and over the top.

Now I'll get bashed by the "let the kids have fun" crowd, but IMHO, if you want music, enter your kid in a dance contest. This is baseball.
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82 Posts

Posted - 05/16/2013 :  17:21:54  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Fairly common in high school ball...5-7 seconds tops
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619 Posts

Posted - 05/16/2013 :  20:30:00  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I tend to agree with in the know. Warm up music for the team between innings, ok. Walk out music. Sorry, my son has been playing since he was 7. He never had walk out music. Plenty of nick names and superstitions, but no music. I think it just gives the parents from the opposing team a reason to complain. I don't think it is worth it.
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233 Posts

Posted - 05/16/2013 :  21:32:21  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
IMO now is as good a time as any to remember the game is for the kids, not the grown-ups. While whatever music you are playing may be appropriate and well timed for your players, in most cases there are many games going on at the same time. Your kids may enjoy it, but the pitcher/batter playing a few feet away, would probably prefer to not to hear it. So IMO have fun at practice, have fun at a scrimmage, but when it comes to a tournament, respect all the players and games going on, and as far as the rude and obnoxious cheers go, teach your kids sportsmanship, and how to cheer positively instead of negatively.
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791 Posts

Posted - 05/16/2013 :  22:50:19  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Nothing wrong with walk up music. The boys love it! From what I've seen the parents love it to. I have seen numerous teams do it over the years. Usually 4-7 seconds. I would rather hear walk up music at the park rather than some of the stuff I hear from parents...just sayin....
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126 Posts

Posted - 05/17/2013 :  13:12:54  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I'm with you Decatur... You post something on a message board, you need to be ready for feedback you like and don't like.

And, I agree that the walk up music should go. It's annoying to many.
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Newbie BB Mom

141 Posts

Posted - 05/17/2013 :  14:33:36  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by DecaturDad

WOW. Note to self: Don't respond to questions from SamQuick.

And that would be SamQuick's loss. Not only are your responses respectful, but some of the most informative and insightful that can be found on this forum.
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35 Posts

Posted - 05/23/2013 :  21:29:23  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
One of my favorite memories of last year was our 10U pitcher moving to the rhythm of Eye of the Tiger - which happened to be playing on a near-by field - as he struck out a batter.

The year before that, at 9U, one of our moms made a CD with the boys' favorite songs, and we used that as walk-up music for one game - it may have gotten old game after game, but it was fun that day! And, my son still likes to listen to the CD.

Hope your boys have fun with the music!
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351 Posts

Posted - 05/30/2013 :  09:08:23  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Before the game: ok...between innings: tolerable....coming up to bat: nah. There will always be that one person playing it that cant find the OFF button when its time to turn it off.
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11 Posts

Posted - 07/01/2013 :  16:35:51  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I realize I am late posting but I just read this.

Our team does it. The boys love it and we play more teams that do play music than don't play it. I have umps that thank me because it makes the mood light and parents seem to have more fun.

I have a small Jawbone box that is only audible to the on deck circle and surrounding parents/area. It's very classy and respectable. I would NEVER blast out anyone or be rude to the other team. We have never had a problem or complaint with the songs either. I even take requests. :)

We went on an 11 game win streak playing music when we first started also. The boys were having fun and I must admit my 10 year old's little ego swells when the song that pumps him up is being played.

It can be tacky but if done right and your entire teams loves it, then go for it. Our clips play from the time the previous play ends until the boy takes the box. The length of time varies.

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12 Posts

Posted - 06/16/2014 :  10:20:03  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
It usually only annoys the team that's losing...

AND who made the baseball rule book of what's appropriate and what's not? If the children like it, the parent's aren't being obnoxious, go for it!! It's a game to be played and enjoyed while doing so.
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376 Posts

Posted - 07/06/2015 :  12:40:00  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by DiamondGirl2

I realize I am late posting but I just read this.

Our team does it. The boys love it and we play more teams that do play music than don't play it. I have umps that thank me because it makes the mood light and parents seem to have more fun.

I have a small Jawbone box that is only audible to the on deck circle and surrounding parents/area. It's very classy and respectable. I would NEVER blast out anyone or be rude to the other team. We have never had a problem or complaint with the songs either. I even take requests. :)

We went on an 11 game win streak playing music when we first started also. The boys were having fun and I must admit my 10 year old's little ego swells when the song that pumps him up is being played.

It can be tacky but if done right and your entire teams loves it, then go for it. Our clips play from the time the previous play ends until the boy takes the box. The length of time varies.

I am going to agree with this

We did not do it, but when the other team DID do it, OUR kids were dancing on the field, having fun and quite frankly seemed to play better
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15 Posts

Posted - 01/21/2016 :  11:26:05  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Walk up music for High School ball and music between innings at your home HS field I have no problem with and I even enjoy it. Walk up music and music between innings for Travel Ball that is a completely different story and is flat out annoying as a parent and as a Coach! My son has been playing travel ball for the past 7 years. When he was younger, (8U - 12U) and having to play at complexes where the next game is being played just a few feet away having to hear music blaring from the next diamond over was never enjoyable and always seemed to be played at the wrong time. It was either too loud, played for too long or was too repetitive. Thank GOD PerfectGame does not allow that crap at Lakepoint. There is a reason MLB does not play music during the game. It is distracting. Teams who play music during Travel Ball games from my experience only piss everyone off around them who happens to be playing during their wannabe DJ session and shows a lack of professionalism for their team and Coaching staff for allowing it. Do us all a favor and save the music for Home High School Games and above. Before then it is just cheesy and annoying.

Edited by - IrishND on 01/21/2016 11:55:19
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118 Posts

Posted - 01/27/2016 :  16:09:25  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
This is a good "soapbox" topic, isn't it? I look at walk-up music for kids at a tournament ballpark the same way that I see people who speak really loudly on their cell phones in public places or who don't bother to use their turn signal on their car. It annoys a great many people, but there are some people out there who simply don't care if they're annoying other people. They almost feed off of the fact that they're intentionally being annoying and obnoxious. Common courtesy has no place in their lives.

From another point of view - it's a waste of precious time too, when the tournament directors keep squeezing the game times shorter and shorter. Why would you do something that could potentially take up any of that valuable time? My kid is 14 now, and we've played 2 teams that had walk-up music in 6 years of travel ball. I remember them both. Both were terrible and it just seemed surreal that someone would be blaring "Can't Touch This" from speakers as they were losing 10-0.

Just one grumpy old man's opinion. Save the walk-up music for the pros.

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376 Posts

Posted - 01/27/2016 :  18:43:50  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by IrishND

Walk up music for High School ball and music between innings at your home HS field I have no problem with and I even enjoy it. Walk up music and music between innings for Travel Ball that is a completely different story and is flat out annoying as a parent and as a Coach! My son has been playing travel ball for the past 7 years. When he was younger, (8U - 12U) and having to play at complexes where the next game is being played just a few feet away having to hear music blaring from the next diamond over was never enjoyable and always seemed to be played at the wrong time. It was either too loud, played for too long or was too repetitive. Thank GOD PerfectGame does not allow that crap at Lakepoint. There is a reason MLB does not play music during the game. It is distracting. Teams who play music during Travel Ball games from my experience only piss everyone off around them who happens to be playing during their wannabe DJ session and shows a lack of professionalism for their team and Coaching staff for allowing it. Do us all a favor and save the music for Home High School Games and above. Before then it is just cheesy and annoying.

Wasn't Chipper's song "Crazy Train"? I thought all the players had their own walk up song in the MLB. I remember Freddie playing "Call me maybe" for a little while...........We laughed everytime we heard it...I'm chuckling while I type this.
Sorry, but I Like it and so do most of the fans
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75 Posts

Posted - 06/26/2016 :  21:45:50  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
It is funny that this old thread came up. It was for an 8u CP allstar team. So...at that age, we didn't really care about your feelings...only that it would be fun for our kids.

My child....that's what these players are, after all, children...was on an 11u team this year and that team had walk ups and pitcher music. They enjoyed it. The mom's speaker was crisp and the volume and time was well regulated. Some other teams had the same thing. Others didn't.

The annoying ones, to me, are the speakers that are turned way louder than the woofer can handle...or the brand new speaker on an 8u (Hobgood) team....with a parent who is oblivious to simple courtesy and blares their between innings music while my son's team is in the field defensively.

Whether YOU like music at baseball was and still is irrelevant to the original question. The game is NOT about you.

Edited by - SamQuick on 06/26/2016 22:24:22
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1989 Posts

Posted - 06/27/2016 :  10:47:50  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

As of 4/1/16 Georgia USSSA baseball rules have an addition: http://www.gausssabaseball.com/index.cfm?TPID=109

10.07 At no time shall any artificial noise makers to include but not limited to, horns, air horns, bells, cow bells, jugs, containers, slap sticks, whistles, radios, music or sound effects machine, mechanism, apparatus, appliance, or gadget be allowed prior to a game, during a game, between innings of a game or after a game at any event or tournament.
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667 Posts

Posted - 06/27/2016 :  14:29:31  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Sam: I get it. I really do. I think it's fun if done properly, but having done it for my son's HS games, you really have to be on top of things.

Our clips were 14-16 seconds because they were started immediately after the last out during the announcer giving the player's name, each guy had his own little pre at bat routine etc. If you do it that long at a little league tournament game you are just wasting too much time. How long does it take to walk from the on deck circle to the batters box on those itty bitty fields? There's your answer. My guess is 8 seconds max with a fade in and fade out.
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2 Posts

Posted - 03/12/2017 :  10:09:56  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I think in general music can really enhances the baseball experience, whether it be a major league game, a high school game, or a 7u rec game....if done properly. It really is a very different experience watching a game infused with music vs watching one with no music (and sometimes no announcer). Yesterday I was announcer for my sons 9th grade game. I start playing music an hour before the game for warm-ups, and play a song between each inning, and on mound visits....and walk-up music for the players that want it. Volume control is very important. In my situation, I'm not competing with games on adjacent field....but if you're in that situation, you must be respectful of the fact that a pitcher may be going into his wind-up just as you start your walk-up music (or music between innings) and set your volume appropriately. I would actually get a parent to walk over to that field to give you some feedback. For a double-header, I had to dig deep into my playlist to avoid duplicates...probably played 60 songs in total. I give each kid the option of walk-up music....about 2/3 of the team has walk-up music. I keep my hand on the volume, and will dial it down when I think the volume is too loud. I use an iPhone/iPad app called BallparkDJ to do the walk-up intros and music...makes it really easy, I just tap a button for the walk-up and it has the voice and music combined/overlapped and pre-recorded. I obviously have to get on the mic for the visiting team, but for our team, BallparkDJ has an option to order voice from Casey Motter (PA of the Atlanta Braves) so I just tap a button and Casey booms out the intro along with the music. But back to the original post, I think 10 seconds is a good duration for the walk-up music. However, this can vary. Sometimes you need to cut it after 3-5 seconds because the pitcher is ready to go into wind-up. Sometimes you might want to go a little longer because the batter just isn't yet ready to step into box. So what I usually do in BallparkDJ is setup the walk-up for about 14 seconds, but there is a Stop button you can hit that just fades the song out quickly....and I hit that button on most batters but let it play out when they're just not yet ready to pitch.

Edited by - cpayne on 03/12/2017 13:24:16
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376 Posts

Posted - 03/23/2017 :  07:28:56  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by cpayne

I think in general music can really enhances the baseball experience, whether it be a major league game, a high school game, or a 7u rec game....if done properly. It really is a very different experience watching a game infused with music vs watching one with no music (and sometimes no announcer). Yesterday I was announcer for my sons 9th grade game. I start playing music an hour before the game for warm-ups, and play a song between each inning, and on mound visits....and walk-up music for the players that want it. Volume control is very important. In my situation, I'm not competing with games on adjacent field....but if you're in that situation, you must be respectful of the fact that a pitcher may be going into his wind-up just as you start your walk-up music (or music between innings) and set your volume appropriately. I would actually get a parent to walk over to that field to give you some feedback. For a double-header, I had to dig deep into my playlist to avoid duplicates...probably played 60 songs in total. I give each kid the option of walk-up music....about 2/3 of the team has walk-up music. I keep my hand on the volume, and will dial it down when I think the volume is too loud. I use an iPhone/iPad app called BallparkDJ to do the walk-up intros and music...makes it really easy, I just tap a button for the walk-up and it has the voice and music combined/overlapped and pre-recorded. I obviously have to get on the mic for the visiting team, but for our team, BallparkDJ has an option to order voice from Casey Motter (PA of the Atlanta Braves) so I just tap a button and Casey booms out the intro along with the music. But back to the original post, I think 10 seconds is a good duration for the walk-up music. However, this can vary. Sometimes you need to cut it after 3-5 seconds because the pitcher is ready to go into wind-up. Sometimes you might want to go a little longer because the batter just isn't yet ready to step into box. So what I usually do in BallparkDJ is setup the walk-up for about 14 seconds, but there is a Stop button you can hit that just fades the song out quickly....and I hit that button on most batters but let it play out when they're just not yet ready to pitch.

First line is kind of how I feel.........I like the music when it is appropriately applied. We met Casey in Carrollton last year and his little "Gig" if you, will is pretty awesome! He announced our game and with music and a pro announcer, it was surely an Enhanced experience and made it a lot of fun............if this game is not FUN, then we must do something else instead
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4 Posts

Posted - 05/04/2018 :  20:37:58  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Walk out music is great if done correctly. Depends on who is doing it, songs played, and sound.
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