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 "Illegal Bats" - What's being done?
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151 Posts

Posted - 03/24/2012 :  10:42:40  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
@peashooter- I remember well stuffing an Easton or a Worth Thumper with superballs and supergluing the cap back on. For fun of course.
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667 Posts

Posted - 03/25/2012 :  12:23:43  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
What's being done? Not a **** thing. Pretty sure I can take any number of juicy bats from 2010 and find somebody to paint a thumbprint on all of them. Or, rub all the paint off a shaved and rolled bat and just tell the ump it wore off. Pretty sad situation and in just one day saw a very well know organization cheating the system.
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545 Posts

Posted - 03/26/2012 :  13:01:57  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
For those posting links to illegal bat sites to prove your point, they will not be posted. We do not need links from this site to sites that are enabling the breaking of the rules. That just gives them free advertising, promotes their site in search engines and compounds the problem.
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3 Posts

Posted - 03/27/2012 :  15:48:30  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
According to USSSA state office at 14U as long as the bat has the USSSA 1.15BPF stamp it is legal for use regardless of drop.
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667 Posts

Posted - 03/27/2012 :  16:37:57  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by justplayball

According to USSSA state office at 14U as long as the bat has the USSSA 1.15BPF stamp it is legal for use regardless of drop.

Crazy isn't it?
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985 Posts

Posted - 03/27/2012 :  17:04:32  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by justplayball

According to USSSA state office at 14U as long as the bat has the USSSA 1.15BPF stamp it is legal for use regardless of drop.

No one's questioning the legality of it. Just the sense of using a drop 8 or greater when the player needs to make a jump to -3 BBCOR for high school the next year. BTW, Triple Crown specifically states no greater than -5 for 14u.
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3 Posts

Posted - 03/28/2012 :  08:59:58  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I hear ya in_the_know. I believe at 14 if not 13 as some of these kids are big and strong they should be swinging the BBCOR. It just doesn't make sense.
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101 Posts

Posted - 03/28/2012 :  09:11:09  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
We wear pads now! Never get on the field without Evoshield all over. Run into a kid swinging a Easton LSS4X on a hot day and you could have BIG problems. Saw a kid down in Macon last year catch one off that little red missle launcher; ball came off the bat, hit the ground, hit his glove and then hit his chest and he almost met his maker!

Me personally, I'm all for any safety rules / equipment; helmet mask, safety bases, pitchers mask/helmets. After all, we're really just trying to get the boys better and to reach their potential, not get anybody hurt or worse.

Originally posted by Hurricane

I agree with Beaux on the pads thing.
I do think there is a serious danger with some of these 1.15 bats that have "not" been altered. They should all go to a bbcor bat standard next season, They should not allow any bat that is not 2013 bbcor to be used at any level in a game.
Bat companies should have to design their new bats differently from years past to make it easy to identify the new bats. Bat companies could make another killing next season because everyone would be required to purchase a brand new bat. Either that or tournaments need to start providing 5 bats and each team use the same exact bats. Doesn't Cooperstown during the home run derby make everyone use the same bat?

Edited by - HardBaller on 03/28/2012 11:57:57
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100 Posts

Posted - 03/28/2012 :  16:06:22  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
cannot believe we are still seeing that red easton stealth small barrel drop 10 bat this season with all of the talk of making the sport safer. saw a small 12 year old player hit an hr on one of the fields at ecb this past sunday with a lackluster swing. fence was 15-20 feet high and has to be at least 250. And it isn't just the home runs. ground balls aren't even normal with that bat.
Do parents really believe those are true results? You know it's not normal when you look over on another field and see large 13 year old boys on top level teams rarely hitting balls 260-275 with real bats.
what were the reasons for not banning at least that bat if not others?
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447 Posts

Posted - 03/28/2012 :  22:44:12  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by bball2008

cannot believe we are still seeing that red easton stealth small barrel drop 10 bat this season with all of the talk of making the sport safer. saw a small 12 year old player hit an hr on one of the fields at ecb this past sunday with a lackluster swing. fence was 15-20 feet high and has to be at least 250. And it isn't just the home runs. ground balls aren't even normal with that bat.
Do parents really believe those are true results? You know it's not normal when you look over on another field and see large 13 year old boys on top level teams rarely hitting balls 260-275 with real bats.
what were the reasons for not banning at least that bat if not others?

I saw the HR in question and wouldn't call the kid small but average sized. Also, he's hit 250ft home runs last season as an 11 yr old with a drop -9 Rival so it's not the bat. The red stealth does have a very long sweet spot and that is the diffference, it's not how hard you swing or big you are.

Like our coach says, create backspin and the ball will jump off the bat.
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831 Posts

Posted - 03/28/2012 :  23:38:59  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by bball2008

cannot believe we are still seeing that red easton stealth small barrel drop 10 bat this season with all of the talk of making the sport safer. saw a small 12 year old player hit an hr on one of the fields at ecb this past sunday with a lackluster swing. fence was 15-20 feet high and has to be at least 250. And it isn't just the home runs. ground balls aren't even normal with that bat.
Do parents really believe those are true results? You know it's not normal when you look over on another field and see large 13 year old boys on top level teams rarely hitting balls 260-275 with real bats.
what were the reasons for not banning at least that bat if not others?

I guess you missed the 300'+ shots hit by the 13u players last weekend on field #5. Isn't that field 285' or so with a 15-20' wall? A couple of those HR's cleared that wall with room to spare.

I can't understand why some of you have so much trouble accepting the fact that some of these kids are just more gifted athletically than most other kids. It doesnt always have to do with size either. Most people probably wouldn't be able to pick out the best player on the Bandits if they weren't familiar with him already .... Until they saw him play of course !!

I've been fortunate enough to witness several of the top 13u players in the country and they are just special players. Doesn't matter what bat they use.
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173 Posts

Posted - 03/29/2012 :  08:44:49  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
anyone who doesn't think it's the bat most of the time, go setup a tee and use any of these so called stamped bats, then use a few year old besr -3 bat, then use the new bbcor -3 and any wooden bat. I can guarantee the stamped bats approved for usssa will go way further than the others. The besr will go further than the bbcor and the wood and bbcor will be around the same distance. Go try it out for yourself.
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831 Posts

Posted - 03/29/2012 :  11:49:22  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by bkball

anyone who doesn't think it's the bat most of the time, go setup a tee and use any of these so called stamped bats, then use a few year old besr -3 bat, then use the new bbcor -3 and any wooden bat. I can guarantee the stamped bats approved for usssa will go way further than the others. The besr will go further than the bbcor and the wood and bbcor will be around the same distance. Go try it out for yourself.

bk, I think you are right about "some" bats. I had my son at the high school field yesterday taking BP on the field. He used a wood bat, a bbcor bat, and a drop 5 Omen that he uses for tournaments. He hit the ball just as far with all three bats.
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121 Posts

Posted - 03/30/2012 :  08:34:24  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
This past ECB 11u tourney one kid hit about six hr for the weekend.
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427 Posts

Posted - 03/30/2012 :  09:05:15  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Spliter, this past weekend 11U should have never been played on field 7 or 8. It was like chip and putt HR's. Not saying the outcome of the tournament would have been different but I saw many balls that would have been outs on field 7 that either banged off the wall or went out.
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23 Posts

Posted - 03/30/2012 :  13:17:08  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
TAZ--I am not sure anyone is saying that some of these kids aren't better than others. We all know that not every kid is blessed with great talent, and that not every kid is as focus in improving their craft….that is a given...What we are talking about is the use of bats that we all know offer an incredible advantage and also put a lot kids is harm’s way.

Several weeks back I watch a kid from a 14 U GA team hit two balls while playing in TC tournament at ECB on field 2. One hit the house and the other foul ball ending up in the parking lot. The other team complained that he was using an illegal bat, so they didn't let him use it for the rest of that game or the next one game. As it turns out, the bat is question (Omen -5) had the aftermarket 1.15 sticker that Easton etches, so under these stupid rules that bat is legal. My point is that even though this kid by all definition is a flat out stud and will probably end up playing in a D-1 school, he never came close to hitting a ball that hard or far the next 5 or so at bats.
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575 Posts

Posted - 03/30/2012 :  15:10:00  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
We played up in 13u for the first part of the season, and our 12u boys were 6-8 inches shorter and 50+ pounds smaller across the board. One 13u kid hit a 340 foot home run against us on a change-up. It is truly amazing what one year does. I can't even project our kids getting to that size in a year, but surely they will, some of them at least. It was a real eye opener for me.
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1520 Posts

Posted - 03/30/2012 :  15:10:31  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Beaux finally just made a post on this subject that I can agree with but cannot for the life of me figure out how the consumer or the kid for that matter could not use any bat that had been stamped or etched as legal. Does it say in the rules that if the bat is etched then it is not legal. Does it say in the rules that if one kid hits a ball further than another that his bat must be illegal. I wholeheartedly agree with Beaux but sincerely ask the question, "How would anyone know that a stamped or etched bat was illegal". Does it become a risk for the kid or the kid's parent or put them at liability if they use a bat that is stamped but turns out to be illegal. Someone has got to come up with a solution to this problem.

Edited by - baseballpapa on 03/30/2012 15:42:44
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74 Posts

Posted - 03/30/2012 :  16:50:10  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Everyone goes to the BBCOR standard..........every age group from 6U to 18U. Before everyone jumps on this and says, "only drop 3's are BBCOR", I know that. The BBCOR measurement is a standard and can be instituted for every bat made. Do that and the problems go away for 99% of the folks. There will always be the cheaters who roll and shave their bats......but there is a warm place for them eventually :).
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59 Posts

Posted - 03/30/2012 :  17:27:47  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
BBall2008. Perhaps the issue is not the stamp. Perhaps the bat is shaved? We all know this exists. A 12U Team than won Cooperstown last year had a guest that openly admitted his bat was shaved. Most of the team were using it come the end of the tournament. Red skinny barrel also if I remember correctly. Where would the liablity lie if a kid got seriously hurt by a shaved illegal bat? The parent? the coaches? The Park? The Tournement Director? We have to protect these great kids!?
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667 Posts

Posted - 03/30/2012 :  17:41:16  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by baseballpapa

Beaux finally just made a post on this subject that I can agree with but cannot for the life of me figure out how the consumer or the kid for that matter could not use any bat that had been stamped or etched as legal. Does it say in the rules that if the bat is etched then it is not legal. Does it say in the rules that if one kid hits a ball further than another that his bat must be illegal. I wholeheartedly agree with Beaux but sincerely ask the question, "How would anyone know that a stamped or etched bat was illegal". Does it become a risk for the kid or the kid's parent or put them at liability if they use a bat that is stamped but turns out to be illegal. Someone has got to come up with a solution to this problem.

Etched is not the same as screened. Screening is done when the bat is manufactured. It's part of the bat. Stamps wear off. Etching is just scratching the stuff on. Should be fairly easy to tell, yet if no one challenges it, then what good is it?

If the label was painted, stamped etched or drawn on with crayon AFTER MARKET, the bay should be and probably is illegal.

What's the point if having rules if mo one us there to enforce them?
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16 Posts

Posted - 04/01/2012 :  07:53:39  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
So "etched" is not legal? Then this is really confusing, from the Easton Website (http://blogs.eastonbaseball.com/batrules/)

Easton has also added this “USSSA 1.15 BPF Finger Print” logo to thousands of Senior League bats at our warehouse, post-production, via a laser engraver.
All bats with a laser-engraved“USSSA 1.15 BPF Finger Print” logo are legal for play in all USSSA-sanctioned baseball games.
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14 Posts

Posted - 04/01/2012 :  07:55:27  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Coaches need to step up and police this unless TDs force the umpires to check all bats prior to each game. Saw a team using questionable bats this weekend....after hearing the rumblings , the team using them put several bats back in their bat bags. This was after two come-backers that could have hurt someone. Our coach makes sure all of our kids are using legal bats....he views it as part of his coaching responsibilities.....of course, if a kid/parent decides to use an "altered" bat there is not much the coach can do about. How about personal integrity and responsibility?
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252 Posts

Posted - 04/01/2012 :  09:28:33  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Jaba, etched is legal according to the umpires that we have seen check them when asked. I saw two games where they were challenged and deemed legal by the umpires. Both times the bats have been Easton Surges that the challenge was made on.
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16 Posts

Posted - 04/07/2012 :  11:16:56  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I know everyone has an opinion but here is my take....I don't care if the bat has a stamp or is engraved or is marked w/ a Sharpie. You can take that "legal" bat and alter it so that it's dangerous. I watched a 13u team in a game last weekend in a TC event hit 5 hrs 2 that were half way up the pine trees - 6 or 7 doubles in both gaps that bounced the fence - 1 triple that hit the top of the fence and 3 foul balls that cleared the fence. Ok i know they hit well but how bout the ground balls that got through the infield before the kids could react. Not 1 huge post puberty kid with a beard but an entire team of kids. The fence was 290 and 8 ft high....and oh yeh did I mention the entire team hit the same 2 bats and they both had the stamp on them (one kid did hit a different combat).......I don't know the people and boy I don't want to question anybody or their motives but boy oh boy those things are strange. I have watched a ton of baseball the last few years including the Bandits multiple times and every other elite team from the southeast and i have never seen anything like that. The entire reason I bring this up is because there is nothing that can be done except use a measuring tool that nobody is ever gonna supply. How do we as the baseball community police illegally altering "legal" bats. Just curious as to people opinions ....
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