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80 Posts

Posted - 01/13/2011 :  14:39:20  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Just make sure you guys understand the ONLY true radar that will actually measure ball speed or bat speed must have a Doppler Radar built into it. Neither the iPhone app OR the app for Blackberry is an accurate radar measuring device. They may be entertaining but i wouldn't use them with my son for training purposes.
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208 Posts

Posted - 01/16/2011 :  20:09:06  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
The blackberry app is on the blackberry app world website under the sports and rec. category. How accurate does it really have to be? I could care less how hard my kids throw. If they throw strikes at the knees, speed up the bat, then slow it down, they are effective at any FB speed. These apps are definitely not radar, but if its accurate it will serve the function of showing the differential between the FB and change. I'd rather spend 6 bucks than buy an $800 scout gun for a bunch of 11 yr olds!
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1633 Posts

Posted - 01/16/2011 :  21:19:40  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
From the Pocket Radar web site: "The Pocket Radar™ is a Doppler speed radar system". Whew! For a second there I thought I blew 200 bucks. I've never priced one of those blow dryer looking guns, how much do they cost?

Originally posted by ivpartner

Just make sure you guys understand the ONLY true radar that will actually measure ball speed or bat speed must have a Doppler Radar built into it. Neither the iPhone app OR the app for Blackberry is an accurate radar measuring device. They may be entertaining but i wouldn't use them with my son for training purposes.

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