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 posting rosters
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203 Posts

Posted - 12/30/2010 :  23:36:26  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
When do team start posting their roster for the upcoming season? Not many teams have rosters listed on the USSSA site. Tough to get a sense of who the strongest team will be until all the pieces are in place. A lot of talk about player movement but still hard to know all the moves for many teams that haven't filled out a line up card yet.


1633 Posts

Posted - 12/31/2010 :  09:19:45  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
There's no reason to post a USSSA roster until its time to enter a tournament. The teams that intend upon playing in the S-NIT will begin registering mid-late February, so we're still 6+ weeks out
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187 Posts

Posted - 01/02/2011 :  20:01:59  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
This topic comes up from time to time....folks looking for a team's roster and not understanding why teams don't put it on their website if they have a website. Just my personal observation, but many coaches do not want their roster public for this reason - sure it is fun to look out from a players/parent viewpoint but why give your opponent any head start against you? Keep them guessing on who you have or don't have...lol. Also, many teams do not want to spend money until they have to - when you register with USSSA each year it costs money so most teams wait till they have to register before doing so and their roster doesn't have to be entered until the first USSSA tournament so most teams will wait till their first USSSA tournament before they enter the names.
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