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667 Posts

Posted - 12/30/2010 :  14:51:39  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Please see this link. I'm getting confused now. Is the legal bat list ONLY if your kid is using a drop 3 and is playing 13U and over?

Or is a drop 5 Demarini okay too (13U)?



1432 Posts

Posted - 12/30/2010 :  21:43:14  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
1st of all, that article only applies to official Little League play. USSSA, Triple Crown, Ripken and any organization other than Little League are not bound by this regulation.

As it applies to Little League, it sounds like NO composite bats will be allowed for 12u and below. For 13u and up, there is a link to composite bats that have been approved. My guess is that the list aligns with the NFHS bats, but I'm not positive.

Remember, this applies to Little League only. Not the other baseball organizations.

Edited by - bballman on 12/30/2010 22:16:06
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115 Posts

Posted - 01/01/2011 :  08:29:26  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Are there any new bat restrictions with USSSA, Triple Crown, etc? I understand there are several bats recently banned for high school play, but does this effect travel baseball with younger age groups too?

Any insights from any of you guys in the know would be greatly appreciated.
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220 Posts

Posted - 01/01/2011 :  11:12:36  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by baserunner

Are there any new bat restrictions with USSSA, Triple Crown, etc? I understand there are several bats recently banned for high school play, but does this effect travel baseball with younger age groups too?

Any insights from any of you guys in the know would be greatly appreciated.

USSSA 2011 and 2012 Baseball Bat Performance Standards:

Interesting. (THIS IS FOR 14U and YOUNGER)..
"For 2012, Dr. Brandt in coordination with the Bat Manufacturers will create a more rigorous 1.15 BPF test that will not allow bats that improve past the 1.15 BPF level with use or most alteration without clearly showing visible physical damage. Both 2¾” and 2#8541;” bats will continue to be allowed in 14U and younger USSSA sanctioned play. Such bats will carry a new USSSA 1.15 Mark that will be easily indentified without the requirement of a close inspection. This test will be similar to that currently used by the 5 associations that require 1.15 BPF testing for Small Barrel bats and which is now being used by USSSA in its Small Barrel bat testing. Beginning in 2012, only such Big Barrel bats with the new USSSA 1.15 BPF mark will be allowed in USSSA play. All other Big Barrel bats will no longer be allowed in USSSA play as of January 1, 2012. It is expected that such 2012 bats will be made available for purchase by October of 2011."

Edited by - 3sondad on 01/01/2011 11:50:24
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