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70 Posts

Posted - 06/13/2010 :  20:56:32  Show Profile
I want to start out by saying this tournament as far as competition went was very good. I saw a lot of good teams play. Some that I had never seen before, but definately could play. I enjoyed the competition.

As far as how it was ran..I give it 2 thumbs down. I think a few of the umpire teams were pretty bad. They were very inconsistant, applied rules that I have never seen in any tournament by any association in over 3 years. When I said I wanted to talk the TD about who the umpire would allow on the field at any given time, he arrogantly said "go ask the TD, I could care less". Well, he knew this was a pretty big joke, because for the state TD to say there would be one on site, was humorous. I never saw him. The 4 coaches asking me if one was there, never found him. For being a State tournament, I have been to better non-affiliated tournaments then this one.

The rule I wanted to question was the umpire would not allow a coach to sit on a bucket outside the dugout while we were batting, but would only allow a third base coach and a first base coach out there. If you stood in the doorway, and cracked the gate to talk to your player, he would make you shut the gate. It was rediculous. This was not done on any other field the 4 previous games I played. It has NEVER been done while I have played in numerous Nations, USSSA, Grand Slam or any other tournament. I think if an umpire wants to randomly enforce a rule that neither I or the other coach had ever heard of, the state director should have been made of it and told them it was not necessary. I have had this umpire before in Winder and he never mentioned that rule. I guess the TD in Winder told him he could not change a situaion that all of us coaches have done for a long time. I enjoy umpires who are there for the teams and kids, not ones that make it their goal to enfluence the game. Now the umpire could sit their 3 coolers inside the fence for any child to run into on a pop up, but a coach on a bucket was more than they could take.

I do not believe any of us have a problem with a rule that is enforced throughout the association or tournament. When you go on to a field in a tournament like this, we should know the rules are the same on all fields and ultimately all events. I was very dissapointed in this decision and the umpires arrogance in his decision. Had we been able to talk to a TD that was around, this could have been avoided. There may have been one on site, but few knew who he was or where he was at any given time. All the Superior Events tournaments I go to, the TD is most always right next to the concession area, talking to the kids, parents or coaches. There is no doubt who he is.

I have to say one more time, it is the TD who makes the tournament. Superior Events with Nations is my personal favorite, but anything the state TD is involved in...well...try it, you make your own conclusion. I think if you cannot run a tournament with a lot of teams then you should either open it to fewer teams or have ample support for handlng these situations. If he is out running a gator to get a field ready, you need to staff the event better and make it a pleasant event for all. Nations showed me on this event they were not interested in making the FIRST state tournament a success. I am sure they made a lot of money, but at what cost?

Edited by - HAWKS8 on 06/14/2010 13:56:35


14 Posts

Posted - 06/15/2010 :  09:21:26  Show Profile
I do agree the umpires were very inconsistent with calls. I know it was hot, but this was a state tournament and the umps seemed like they could care less.
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1633 Posts

Posted - 06/15/2010 :  10:55:01  Show Profile
I noticed you used the plural...umpire'S. The tourney we just returned from in Pigeon Forge deployed just 1 umpire per game (except the 'ship). At least you had 2! I've seen 1 ump do scrimmages, but NEVER a tourney or league game. Just when you think you've seen it all...

Originally posted by bbfan31

I do agree the umpires were very inconsistent with calls. I know it was hot, but this was a state tournament and the umps seemed like they could care less.

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