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Posted - 06/02/2010 :  17:28:07  Show Profile
USSSA in North Carolina has far better umpires than Nations old, retired blind coots. They are the worst I have ever seen. If you doubt me, ask anyone that has played Nations with Don Mason. They will confirm it. We also have Top Gun here, and they do a good job. We just don't play many of their tournaments, but what we have, they are good. NC Force Dad
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Posted - 06/03/2010 :  06:37:33  Show Profile
No matter what organization it is you are always going to run in to unseasoned umpires. I think what this thread boils down too is which organization treats its teams, players, parents and puts on the best event. I had a conversation with a coach today that plays a lot of Usssa. The conclusion that both of us came too was that once some of these other organizations put in a point, roster and ranking system ( Triple Crown ) Usssa will be hard pressed to hold on to the market share that it currently has.

A good example is this weekend up in Atlanta. You have some Usssa tournaments going on but Triple Crown has a TON of teams playing in its state championship. I personally think this speaks volumes. I again personally dont think its because its a Triple Crown tournament but more so because of the TD. When people feel you truly care about them they will be loyal. Right now and it might change but based on what I have read in the forums most people right now dont feel Usssa has their team, players or parents in their best interest.

Originally posted by OBXBlue

USSSA in North Carolina has far better umpires than Nations old, retired blind coots. They are the worst I have ever seen. If you doubt me, ask anyone that has played Nations with Don Mason. They will confirm it. We also have Top Gun here, and they do a good job. We just don't play many of their tournaments, but what we have, they are good. NC Force Dad

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33 Posts

Posted - 06/03/2010 :  12:54:38  Show Profile
Triple Crown is too expensive for what you get. Last summer, we played in the Summer Nationals. We went 3-0 in pool play, and ended up seeded 5th. They only had 8 in the championship bracket, so we drew Beaver Valley in the first game, and lost 6-3. BTW, worst fans ever. Obnoxious, loud, saying things to our boys... typical yankees you know. Anyway, we were done after 4 games, and $695. Way too much to pay for 4 games. A team we beat played 7 games, winning the consolation bracket, and the Dirtbags played either 7 or 8 on the way to their championship. We will not play it again. We are going to Global World Series in Charleston this year. Hopefully, others from Georgia will join us. I promise you will get good competition... if you play us at least.
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Posted - 06/08/2010 :  12:27:26  Show Profile
First time poster who stumbled across this board a couple of months ago. It's been interesting reading. I wouldn't have registered or even considered posting but I read something that bothered me and I simply can't leave it out there when untrue.

First of all, and in defense of Triple Crown, my team has participated in several Triple Crown events over the past few years. The company does a great job in my opinion. The Summer Nationals in SC last year was GREAT. The atmosphere with the beach right there is much more relaxing and the cost is more reasonable than Disney. The drive is also much more manageable (at least for me).

The competition level was fantastic as we were grouped in Pool Play with the Carolina Angels (now the Dirtbags) & Carolina Rage. Those teams provided us great competition. Disney has a lot of draw backs but the competition level is tremendous.

Going 3-0 in pool play is a nice accomplishment but everyone who enters an event knows the risks. You either get it done in the playoffs or you're out. Everyone who entered that event accepted it. Have you ever been to the Elite 32? It's $1,000 to enter and you can wind up 0-4 having played your best baseball of the season.

Lastly, I managed the Beaver Valley team you made mention of. I highly doubt that our fans made any comments to a player. I know for a fact that your fans were upset about having to face us in Round One. They were very open about it. Ignorant in fact from the moment I walked past them to warm up my team. Highly upset that a "that northern team is embarrassing NC baseball". Why? Because we beat the Angels (with their stud lefty on the mound) and then the Rage. There are teams from the north who can play ball. It just takes them some time to get going due to the weather and lack of quality teams.... Back to your comment and the fans.... Your fans chirping stirred the pot when they accused a 10 year old of maliciously hitting a batter. It was a fastball that got away from the kid and hit your batter in the side. Fortunately he wasn't injured. However, the names they called that little kid was CLASSLESS and yes I made sure to let the group of them know it. Be accountable for your team's actions as I was for my parents doing anything short of cheering for their team. The bottom line was that your team was beaten by a better team that day just like we were beaten by the Rage in the semi-finals.

As for the "typical yankees" comment..... brother, that war ended a long time ago (& yes I understand it all having lived in the south). Grow up!

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