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120 Posts

Posted - 03/04/2010 :  19:01:59  Show Profile
Does anyone know who the 'writers and crew' are behind the 11u rankings website on League Lineup? Do they take votes? How is this list compiled?


1520 Posts

Posted - 03/04/2010 :  21:38:57  Show Profile
I don't know who does it but it did appear to me that at least some heavy thought went into it. I feel that some deserving teams were left off but I think it was because they didn't play. If you read the descriptions of each team you could tell that someone had been watching them play. I don't know if they got it right but at least it looks like some effort was put into it.
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61 Posts

Posted - 03/05/2010 :  06:30:54  Show Profile
TO me ,it sounds like Papa is the one doing the postings on it, I have read some many of your posts on here and then I read that ,it is very similiar, though I feel you are pretty much right on with your rankings except for a few.
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1633 Posts

Posted - 03/05/2010 :  06:48:48  Show Profile
I recall providing input after being e-mailed an invite, but it was months ago (which might explain why some teams are left off). Are the teams left off the newer teams that have emerged? I deleted the website from my favorites folder along the way, so cant go back and look.

Edited by - bmoser on 03/05/2010 09:15:10
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120 Posts

Posted - 03/05/2010 :  07:47:24  Show Profile
Here is the link:

The current rankings do not include any teams except Sandtown that did not play in the Triple Crown tournament last weekend such as: Chilidogs-Lawson, GA Select Red & Navy, EC Colts, EC Astros, Midway, N GA Cougars, GA Elite (Savannah) and others that I'm sure deserve consideration. Also, Jackets-Gold is not listed but won the Feb Frost just one week earlier beating 643 Jags in the process.

This is not a slight on who puts this together but does show how many great teams there are in the area and how hard it is to compile a Top 10 list of teams. I do like that they explained their choices and gave a re-cap of the games they have played and they have certainly given us something to argue about.
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1633 Posts

Posted - 03/05/2010 :  10:57:40  Show Profile
yeah, that's the one I contributed to a while back. I don't know who did the rankings I see now, but not a bad job. It does change week to week, so I like that aspect of it. Fun reading.
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6 Posts

Posted - 03/05/2010 :  11:05:36  Show Profile
I am one of the people in charge of the 11U Rankings website. First off this is for entertainment purpose only. These are all opinions and please don't take these rankings as offical. We do not make any money off the website. We have asked over and over for input to our email address for opinions and suggestions and have received zero responses. We have based our rankings on what we see, hear, read and some is just a guess. This website was created to make the season more fun and spark a little interest in baseball.
We apologize if we dont include a team that should be there and I know we leave out some good teams that deserve to be there. The rankings can change every week. We left off some teams because they did not play. Chili dogs are good but didnt play in the Triple Crown. Ga Select Red we havent seen since fall so I can't put them in the top 10 yet. New ECB Colts I don't have much information on them yet. ECB Astros I dont even know who is on their team. Jackets gold would have been top 10 again but lost 2 games they were expected to win. I can see them moving back up all season long. Baseball papa is not on our crew but was kind enough to write us an article about our team of the week. Any coaches or parents interested in writing something about their team feel free to email me at rankings11U@hotmail.com. You don't even have to be a top 10 team. Remember we are just in it to make baseball more fun and give parents something to write or talk about during the week when there are no games. We are probably a little biased toward the east cobb area where we all live. Also we haven't seen any rankings lately for the for the NWGA website and wasn't sure if they would keep that going or not.
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1520 Posts

Posted - 03/05/2010 :  11:47:30  Show Profile
I agree with stinger in that at least an explanation was given to what he was thinking and no it wasn't Papa as I had no input whatsoever. I don't quite agree with the rankings but I have enough sense to know that ranking is subjective and no one will ever quite agree with you 100%.
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545 Posts

Posted - 03/05/2010 :  15:43:29  Show Profile
We will try the rankings again after we get a little deeper into the season. Everyone likes to argue about rankings, but getting people to actually vote is a different story. The number of people voting last year was not a very large sampling.

Although I have made many requests for people to become involved in the web site and contribute the interest has remained in the forums. When someone has wanted to do something different or expand in an area, the mode of operation has been to go off and start their own thing instead of building upon this foundation. It would have been beneficial if the people involved in the rankings site had considered contributing to what we were already doing. If anyone wants to expand into an area and add content, just let me know.
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323 Posts

Posted - 03/05/2010 :  15:53:11  Show Profile
11urankings I saw this site when it must have first went up a month or so ago. I have been looking at it about once a week. I thought the article leading up to last weekends tournament was good.
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1520 Posts

Posted - 03/05/2010 :  16:05:18  Show Profile
stan, I am glad you brought this up. I would like to see us add a top notch ranking system. One that someone like moser could back up with stats. The problem with rankings is that you just can't look at wins and losses. You have to consider the quality of opponent and the strength of an opponent. moser is the best that Papa has ever seen at putting numbers together. Papa is more of an instinct guy and that doesn't tend to work well in rankings. This would bring more interest than any other section of the forum but that is just my opinion.
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6 Posts

Posted - 03/05/2010 :  17:12:49  Show Profile
Stan, I have to say I did put in my votes for rankings on the NWGA site. We are still waiting on some emails for top ten rankings. Papa and Bmoser. I will take into consideration what you say and I am pretty sure you can both do better than we can. Wait until this weekend is over and send me your picks. I will keep them both confidential. What do you say. I never meant to take away any from your website and will help promote it any way I can.
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342 Posts

Posted - 03/05/2010 :  17:32:13  Show Profile
Please remember All-Tournament Players Park is hosting the 11u Southern Invitational April 9-11 to solve the best of the best in GA. Don't be afraid to enter and clear this issue up. The Bandits will be at the Beach so I will arrange the winner a two out of three week night Battle Royal with the Bandits to determine all the bragging rights. Come take the challenge at ATPP.
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1520 Posts

Posted - 03/05/2010 :  23:46:23  Show Profile
11urankings: Ranking has never been Papa's thing. I thought you did a good job with the first rankings. You have to remember that it is still early and we haven't even seen all the great teams play yet. Just stay after it and it will begin to make sense. I liked that you gave an explanation as to what you was thinking. Most of the real baseball people don't put much store in any rankings as baseball has a way of making any prediction look bad.
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90 Posts

Posted - 03/07/2010 :  21:28:21  Show Profile
That Slugfest should make this weeks rankings hard to figure. GOOD LUCK
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120 Posts

Posted - 03/09/2010 :  10:58:42  Show Profile
Originally posted by 11baseball11

That Slugfest should make this weeks rankings hard to figure. GOOD LUCK

Now you're starting to see things how I see them.
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