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 Comments on two wood bats
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5 Posts

Posted - 10/11/2012 :  12:28:30  Show Profile
Wood bat tournaments are all the rage, so of course my son wanted a wood bat. Well that has now turned into 5 wood bats. Some feedback for those interested....
Louisville slugger pro lite is break prone. Yes he know how to hold the bat correctly :)
He broke one after two months of use, break was on the barrel; the second after two weeks on the handle. Great bat as far as feel and balance but you'll be buying a few of them. At $45-$50 it's a good price.

Marucci cs26 wow nice bat, great feel still going strong with the Marucci. Net net spend the extra money for a top quality wood bat. Expensive at $90-$110.
Hope this helps.


619 Posts

Posted - 10/11/2012 :  15:12:35  Show Profile
My son has been swinging a Louisville Slugger Ash Pro Stock wood bat for the past year plus. He uses it in a lot of games and almost every BP session. They are only $50 and he has only broken one in the past 18 months. He is a big boy who goes yard, so he is putting some pressure on the bat. At $50 a pop, I don't mind having a few around.

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67 Posts

Posted - 10/11/2012 :  22:14:05  Show Profile
Baum bat, never have broken it. Lots of hits, going strong after 2 years. Has a bamboo Easton he swings in some games, or when he plays a lot. It's the same weight/length, but weighs 1/2 oz lighter.
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215 Posts

Posted - 11/05/2013 :  07:07:12  Show Profile
Tony said yes he knows how to hold the bat correctly. So how do you hold a wood bat? I just found out I have been telling my son incorrectly on a maple bat.
I was trying to figure out why some bat makers now put the label on the tight or smaller grain of the bat. Now I know. Maple bats are supposed to be the opposite of how we held bats 20 years ago.
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