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 Bat Reviews
 Easton S1 vs S2
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66 Posts

Posted - 09/02/2012 :  15:38:05  Show Profile
My son began 2012 with a 33/30 Easton S2. It did OK, and hit well - like most bats - when it caught the sweet spot. However, he borrowed an Easton S1 and liked it very much.

He ended up using his own money to purchase an S1, and has not been disappointed at all. The S1 has held up well, and seems to have a bigger sweet spot. Even in the cage, balls consistently come off sharper.

In the cage we now use the S2, so we will have a smaller sweet spot with which to practice. In our opinion, over every other BBCOR, the S1 is the best.


160 Posts

Posted - 09/05/2012 :  14:42:15  Show Profile
my son also hits the S1. Bat speed was 5 mph faster with the S1 than any other bat. Its a very balance bat. Def hits the ball with more authority than other BBCOR bats.
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33 Posts

Posted - 09/05/2012 :  22:51:05  Show Profile
I had opposite results with the S1. We got one (29/19) in April. It started off hot, but then lost all it's pop by June. Anyone else seen this happen? I've heard a few folks that had the same issue.

I'm going to return it and ask for an S3 instead.
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seminole tony

147 Posts

Posted - 09/08/2012 :  19:50:05  Show Profile
We have gone through 2 S1 as of now and are using the third one due to them going "dead" or cracking. Great bat when its on. Just has no life more then 6 months.
My son babies this bat since he first got it, so I know it's not being abused.
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