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 Bat Reviews
 2012 Combat B3 -8
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46 Posts

Posted - 10/10/2011 :  15:16:46  Show Profile
Has anyone used this bat or seen it in action yet? My son has used the -10 B2 for the past two seasons and really likes it alot. I was thinking about getting the -8 B3. Except for a different paint scheme and grip, the bats look the same. I am wondering if the performance will be similar as well.

Deciding between the B3 and the new CF5. I know the Demarini is a two piece vs the one piece Combat. My son is a line drive hitter with occassional power. Not sure which is best. I tend to lean towards the "if it ain't broke don't fix it" mindset.

Any thoughts/comments would be appreciated.


80 Posts

Posted - 10/17/2011 :  20:40:12  Show Profile
I am in the same dilemma. My son had two B2's and are struggling with buying more new bats. I spoke to a very large Combat dealer today and he stated that the new B3 is a very hot bat and the bat characteristics so far have been almost identical to the B2 but it is early. Several kids on our team have purchased the CF5 and the ball seems to jump off that bat also. I thought the new rules would eliminate composite bats altogether since all of them tend to have more trampolin effect AFTER their break in period. The baseball organizations state they will check bats for USSSA or 1.15 for the stamps but no one has indicated if they will retest the composite bats after they have been in use for a while to see if they still meet the specs allowed. Aluminum bats have generally just lost their pop after a reasonable period of time and either had flat spots or cracked.

We will probably stick with the composite for durability. Hope some others can share the first hand experience on both of these bats.
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46 Posts

Posted - 10/19/2011 :  09:04:49  Show Profile
Went with the B3 -8. Your contact person with Combat is spot on. The grip is much nicer. Other than a new paint scheme the bat looks very similar to the B2. The barrel looks to be a little larger maybe trying to create a larger sweet spot? The best I can tell, this bat seems to be pretty hot right out of the gate.
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21 Posts

Posted - 10/21/2011 :  16:59:56  Show Profile
Great posts. I am considering the b3 also. I have heard tons of good stuff about the CF5 and read that it and the omen are the hottest with combat a little back. Still like the combat though. What size did your son go from and to and what age. I am struggling with sizes, but not sure of the drop 8 since I was going up 1 inch.
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5 Posts

Posted - 10/21/2011 :  23:34:48  Show Profile
Are you looking sale Combat B2 Da Bomb? If so, what the size, length and the barrel size?
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46 Posts

Posted - 10/23/2011 :  22:14:25  Show Profile
Originally posted by Bullpen@

Great posts. I am considering the b3 also. I have heard tons of good stuff about the CF5 and read that it and the omen are the hottest with combat a little back. Still like the combat though. What size did your son go from and to and what age. I am struggling with sizes, but not sure of the drop 8 since I was going up 1 inch.

We had the 29/19 B2 at 10u and the 30/20 at 11u. We are at 12u now and went to the 30/22 B3 and are very glad we did. My son loves the bat. Very hot out of the box. Everyone that holds it swears that it is not a 22 oz bat. It is a very good transitional bat (going from a -10 to a -8). I am sure the CF5 is a good choice too. We went with the "safe" choice since we have had such a good experiences with the Combat line of bats.
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46 Posts

Posted - 04/06/2012 :  09:37:24  Show Profile
Wanted to give an update on this bat. My son used the B3 -8 all winter and ended up cracking it a couple of weeks ago. My son was very disappointed because he loves this bat. The crack was about an inch long and right in the middle of the "sweet" spot. Kudos to Combat. We received a brand new bat in less than a week. All is well in our house again.

Just and fyi, the bat seemed to lose its pop and started sounding flat a few days before the crack appeared. My son started complaining about the performance of the bat before I really believed him. I told him that the bat was fine and it was more likely the user of the bat. Lesson learned. These boys know their equipment better than Dad. Tough pill to swallow when you get the "See Dad, I told you so!". I will not doubt him again.
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101 Posts

Posted - 04/07/2012 :  19:47:15  Show Profile
Don't know much about the combat b3 but have seen tons of cf5's.

For the life of me I can't figure how that bat sells.

I just don't see the pop off that bat compared to the voodoo which we use and its great.

For the money, I'd get the z1000 tpx and then an omen before the cf5 if I were going composite. I think the z1000 comes drop 8.

Edited by - HardBaller on 04/07/2012 20:22:24
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1051 Posts

Posted - 04/28/2012 :  09:26:32  Show Profile
Originally posted by bigmcbb

Wanted to give an update on this bat. My son used the B3 -8 all winter and ended up cracking it a couple of weeks ago. My son was very disappointed because he loves this bat. The crack was about an inch long and right in the middle of the "sweet" spot. Kudos to Combat. We received a brand new bat in less than a week. All is well in our house again.

Just and fyi, the bat seemed to lose its pop and started sounding flat a few days before the crack appeared. My son started complaining about the performance of the bat before I really believed him. I told him that the bat was fine and it was more likely the user of the bat. Lesson learned. These boys know their equipment better than Dad. Tough pill to swallow when you get the "See Dad, I told you so!". I will not doubt him again.

The one thing about composite bats is that cold weather kills them. They are best used in warmer temps or they crack. Just my 2 cents

Edited by - C. MORTON on 04/28/2012 09:42:03
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46 Posts

Posted - 05/01/2012 :  13:53:22  Show Profile
Originally posted by C. MORTON

Originally posted by bigmcbb

Wanted to give an update on this bat. My son used the B3 -8 all winter and ended up cracking it a couple of weeks ago. My son was very disappointed because he loves this bat. The crack was about an inch long and right in the middle of the "sweet" spot. Kudos to Combat. We received a brand new bat in less than a week. All is well in our house again.

Just and fyi, the bat seemed to lose its pop and started sounding flat a few days before the crack appeared. My son started complaining about the performance of the bat before I really believed him. I told him that the bat was fine and it was more likely the user of the bat. Lesson learned. These boys know their equipment better than Dad. Tough pill to swallow when you get the "See Dad, I told you so!". I will not doubt him again.

The one thing about composite bats is that cold weather kills them. They are best used in warmer temps or they crack. Just my 2 cents

Something is up with this bat. Another player on our team cracked the same bat. Two tournaments into the replacement bat and my son cracked his new (replacement) bat. I guess I am out of luck because they will only replace one bat? The replacement came with a "no warranty" label on it.
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101 Posts

Posted - 05/03/2012 :  10:46:14  Show Profile
cf5 update: Much to my surprise, the Combat cf5 appears to be performing better. It looks like it may have taken this long for the carbon fibers to start loosening up on that thing. The hits seem sharper both from kids on our team and our opponents.

Still, for $300, I'd do a Nike Aero Fuse or TPX Z-1000 in a drop 8 or even the Combat.

Originally posted by HardBaller

Don't know much about the combat b3 but have seen tons of cf5's.

For the life of me I can't figure how that bat sells.

I just don't see the pop off that bat compared to the voodoo which we use and its great.

For the money, I'd get the z1000 tpx and then an omen before the cf5 if I were going composite. I think the z1000 comes drop 8.

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