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 What do successful travel baseball teams have

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
SouthSide24 Posted - 10/28/2010 : 16:04:57
that most don't? What I mean is some of the same teams are always at the top, what is it

Im guessing discipline, players know there roles, parents SUPPORT coaches decisions, etc..

Just trying to pick up a few tips here and there

also for those who inquired about CDP certificate, I made mistake it was due Sdept 15th, I thought it was Sept 30th..Anyway it was used by noone
25   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
007mp Posted - 12/05/2010 : 21:52:17
A good positive attitude by players and PARENTS
nastycurve Posted - 11/12/2010 : 21:40:59
Very good post Alter. I think one of the main things you need to have a successful travel team is realism. Realism from coaches, players and parents. You need people to understand that a good but not great hitter will develop and help the team lower in the lineup where he is more likely to see fastballs. When people are realistic about a child's ability, you can form a great team, if everybody thinks their child is a #4 hitter, you will have issues.
excoach12 Posted - 11/04/2010 : 12:40:10
Nice post Alter, I had not thought about that aspect.....
Alter-Ego Posted - 11/04/2010 : 10:58:05
In order to be successful, a team must have very good role players (players that are willing to play different positions, be willing to bat lower in the order, be willing to sub in and out based on need, bunt or move runners over, etc) to compliment their key players. If the key players are surrounded by below average role players, the opposition can pitch around them and kill a team's momentum. If you have a strong lineup, top to bottom, with strong pitching depth, your ability to go farther in tournaments, and win tournaments, increases.

I see a small percentage of players (and parents) that are willing to sacrifice their optimal development to play the support role for multiple years. This is why you see players come and go on the top teams. You can only play that role so long and still develop like you need to.
Gwinnett Posted - 11/04/2010 : 09:17:19
Hats off to all the coachs who volunteer there own personal time to help our kids be better players (including our coaches). God knows it must take alot, to do all the things, to make a team better! We LOVE you coach(s)......
loveforthegame25 Posted - 11/03/2010 : 22:33:23
A coach that is respected and trusted. Parental drama can ruin a team.
Gwinnett Posted - 11/03/2010 : 15:14:24
S, can't wait to experience it!!!!! Our time will come... In the mean time we will be very patient and have lots of fun playing baseball!
SSBuckeye Posted - 11/03/2010 : 11:49:01
Nice post, Scoremore!!!
Scoremore Posted - 11/03/2010 : 11:22:14
Pitching is a must, if you plan on playing in large tournaments you need many pitchers.

On another note in regards to good coaching, maybe you don't see it on the teams you have been on but remember this, a "Great" team has great coaches, players and parents. Without all 3 you can't make it. Talent always needs coaching, if you think you can have a great team go far with just talent maybe that's why the team can't make it work. When people recruit, and many can based on who they are, it can be a recipe for disaster! When I say recruit I mean seek out the best of the best, promise them the world just to get them to come play for you. This type of team will only have problems since it will be a team made up of individuals playing for themselves and not playing as a team. A GREAT coach seeks players to build on their natural athletic abilities and polishes them to perfection. Great coaching doesn't all happen on the field, it is never ending. The making of a great team is teamwork, hard work and complete dedication from all. I also don't agree that it's all about the parents living through their children, it just wanting the best for your child. Playing with the best only makes your child better; it will push him to play hard all of the time and not get lazy. This will just make him better on and off the field. Hard work pays off!
gausssa Posted - 11/01/2010 : 16:12:46
Hope you guys don't mind me chiming in but i have to agree that pitching and defense will beat good hitting 80% of the time. I to had MAJOR teams from 2002-2008 and we won a tone of games 4-3, 3-1 and 5-4. Never was a team that was going to score 8-10 per game but our pitching was really good and our defense was solid.
Somebody said something about "chemistry". I agree with that and our kids never stepped on the field that they didn't "believe they could win against anybody..As far as "recruiting/building" weather some coach's do it ethical or not ethical the best teams get the best players more times than not. However, you can have the stable full of horses but if you don't have the right coach's driving the wagon teaching the fundamentals and how to play as a team what good is it.....
Gwinnett Posted - 11/01/2010 : 09:26:15
I agree 100% papa, pitching has always been our golden ticket. We hit great but we can be shut down by a great pitcher! Depth of pitching is key in winning it all.....
baseballpapa Posted - 11/01/2010 : 08:52:09
biged has only said what Papa has been saying for years. The hitting is great to have but it will fail you more often than most any other part of the game. Good pitching will keep you in the game until the hitting has time to catch up. If you look at every big game the Bandits have won over the past several years you will find that pitching played the biggest part in the win. Does anyone disagree with the pitching vs. hitting comments so far.
Gwinnett Posted - 10/31/2010 : 23:25:45
I feel ya biged... THANK GOD for good pitching!!!!!!
atlbaseball Posted - 10/31/2010 : 19:29:48
Money and a couple of good years under your belt to give you enough of a rep to cherry pick.
biged Posted - 10/31/2010 : 08:46:43
Hitting is a nice to have, but good Pitching will shut down good hitting. A team with good pitching and below average hitting will beat a team with good hitting and average pitching most of the time.

Pithing is King
Spartan4 Posted - 10/31/2010 : 01:25:26
I guess I want mine to play against good talent for my own self interests.....I haven't figured out all the people on here who hate on the good ball players and good teams.....I can assure you the teams who stay on top have good coaches.....I'm not sure what age your son plays Jimbob but I could recommend some high quality teams for you to play so you could see this coaching firsthand....
TAZ980002 Posted - 10/30/2010 : 16:25:16
Originally posted by Jimbob

Rarely is the coaching excellent...the better teams recruit thus have better players and parents that want to have status thru the kids ...silly actually. Most teams turnover because of the bickering each year between the parents and coaches.

So, a parent is given the opportunity to surround his kid with quality players on a competitive team that plays and succeeds against the best teams in their age group and your assumption is that the coaching is NOT excellent and the parents are mostly concerned with THEIR status?

The very best teams we have seen in my sons age group all have one thing in common besides great players ... excellent coaching. I would say it is the norm, not the exception for these successful teams. Then again, I can only speak for the particular age group my son plays. Maybe you were speaking of a different age group ??

As for "status", I'm sure there are people who fit that mold but I haven't met them yet. As for us, when we were given the opportunity for our son to join the best team in GA it was a no brainer. Not only is he surrounded by great kids, parents and coaches, the opportunity has lit a fire inside him to become better that I had not seen inside him before.
coach0512 Posted - 10/30/2010 : 00:02:14
Here's another one-Adding better players as the team progresses.
Just tonight we added a new kid to our team who had an excellent tryout. Really a very good pitcher.
MY son was looking sullen in the car on the way home and I asked why. He said he was afraid the new kid was going to bump him out of the starting rotation because the coaches were saying how good he was. Then he said he was going to have to practice more to keep his spot and asked for more pitching lessons! Yehaaaa! Just what I've been waiting to hear. The whole team will get better because this kid will push others to work harder.
Spartan4 Posted - 10/29/2010 : 23:55:06
Very well said Buckeye, I think many many coaches will say whatever is necessary to add the best available talent.

Papa, I hope you know there was no disrespect meant with the recruiting term, our time with WH and TC was better than any other time we have had since baseball began for our family, and I think building is also a good term to use when describing a dominant team. The point I was trying to make is keeping the same kids from 6-15 hardly ever happens, and I don't think it is possible if trying to stay on the top....I think the Bandits should be used as a model when coaches are trying to build a top major team...
Jimbob Posted - 10/29/2010 : 22:00:21
Rarely is the coaching excellent...the better teams recruit thus have better players and parents that want to have status thru the kids ...silly actually. Most teams turnover because of the bickering each year between the parents and coaches.
SSBuckeye Posted - 10/29/2010 : 15:20:01
Bottom line, after all the elements of what makes a good travel team are debated and discussed, the only thing that really matters is that the stated goals of the team are agreed upon by both the parents and coaches and that the coaches actually deliver on those goals as promised.
jongamefan Posted - 10/29/2010 : 15:12:21
Originally posted by Hiredgun

Remember this.....teams that are not successful do not stay together. You always have to evaluate your team from year to year and make adjustments to insure that your team is the best it can be.

GUN: I have to disagree on this .

lotta teams including through the 15 and up east cobb are not what many call succesful but they stick together for the ball playing for the comradarie and frankly to avoid the oft unfriendly dynamics of a winning team

face it very few we know are going to make it even into a college playing ball so why not get some fun out of it that includes us parents !

bb2210 Posted - 10/29/2010 : 13:25:27
Shut Out Posted - 10/29/2010 : 10:33:17
Hiredgun Posted - 10/29/2010 : 10:08:34
Remember this.....teams that are not successful do not stay together. You always have to evaluate your team from year to year and make adjustments to insure that your team is the best it can be.

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