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T O P I C    R E V I E W
MadSkills Posted - 08/12/2010 : 20:46:35
Is it me or does anyone else find it interesting that all these pitchers throw that hard? The two kids I watched from TX were throwing low to mid 70's, that seem very fast to me, is this the norm or are these guns faster?
25   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
loveforthegame25 Posted - 08/31/2010 : 19:49:34
The Japan coach was Yelling the whole game, ever game i watched.
Alter-Ego Posted - 08/31/2010 : 14:14:40
Older players will tell you that it's not catching up with the fast pitches that are the hardest (ala 46'), it's hitting the pitches that move 2 or 3 inches at the last minute (ala 60'6").

The start speed may be the same at 46' and 50' but the speed when it gets to the batter is not the same. At 50', there is 4 more feet of deceleration.
patent pending Posted - 08/31/2010 : 13:04:36
The speed is the same. 60mph is 60 mph . 60ft or 46ft the difference is the batters reaction time.
Foul Territory Posted - 08/31/2010 : 12:10:41
Another prerequisite is the parents have to agree to only play with your club for one season...then move on to the next "great" team someone else is putting together the following year! This new team will focus on developing fundamentals and building baseball IQ!
noerrors Posted - 08/31/2010 : 11:43:22
The speed is not the same from 50 ft. as it is at 46 ft.
homerunking Posted - 08/31/2010 : 11:07:50
Originally posted by Bully

It is nice to not see coaches yelling, arguing with umpires every play, and parents fighting.

Well the coaches know they have a mic on and they are
not going to do anything like that on TV.. They are probablly told how to act because of the mic...
AA17Dad Posted - 08/31/2010 : 09:04:11
Originally posted by itsaboutbb

Originally posted by AA17Dad

Fan or not of the LLWS it was pale in conparison to the Nation Youth Championship played this weekend. The level of talent was dramaticaly better in the NYBC. The top 4 LLWS teams would have gone 1 and out in this field of teams. Center field was 285' with a 20' fence...no cheap Hr's here. Outstanding talent. Great Baseball!

After watching this I have decided to form a new team for 13U. The first prerequisite is you can't be under 5' 8" 130

You forgot to mention that they must have shaved at least twice !!!
4 seam Posted - 08/31/2010 : 08:21:24
Originally posted by Tball

4SEAM you are right they are great ball players, but I will take most any team in our area over them, we have kids throwing just as hard at 50' as they are at 46', local teams would crush them at this distance, because they would throw 60.... we saw this at 10 yr old

I disagree...BTW 60 MPH is the same speed from 50 ft as it is from 46 ft. Also, there were a lot of kids throwing 68 - 75 mph

I am not saying the LL teams would beat the local teams...I said they would be great ball games. One thing I do like about LL is that each tournament they advance they have the same team and are not picking up 2 or 3 kids. I see rosters of teams at the elite 32 and they have 3 add ons of kids on their team many from different states!

Bully Posted - 08/30/2010 : 20:37:06
It is nice to not see coaches yelling, arguing with umpires every play, and parents fighting.
Tball Posted - 08/30/2010 : 18:26:35
4SEAM you are right they are great ball players, but I will take most any team in our area over them, we have kids throwing just as hard at 50' as they are at 46', local teams would crush them at this distance, because they would throw 60.... we saw this at 10 yr old
BREAMKING Posted - 08/30/2010 : 15:52:39
The Marietta Mets which played some 11u tournaments last year was from East Marietta little league I think. Is this an attempt for them to become more competitive playing little league. With one of the 643 coaches being a little league player that won it all will they make a run at it next season with his travel team? Is east Marietta little league going the route of the columbus and warner robins teams? If they do this I would imagine they would instant become the team to beat in southeast. Would any of the travel parents be interested if a team was put together for this. Play the 60% schedule with that being the goal I am just wondering if there would be interest from the travel ball community.
patent pending Posted - 08/30/2010 : 14:07:37
LLWS team of 2 years ago from Warner Robbins played 14U USSSA tournament in Loganville this past weekend .Played the Bearcats twice and lost both times. Championship game 16-4.
excoach12 Posted - 08/30/2010 : 13:32:30
LLWS was on ESPN because it has history. Most of us played LL when younger because we did not have the Travel industry that is out there now. ESPN broadcasts LL because the general population is nostalgic for it. If ESPN chose which one to broadcast based on quality of the game and skill of the players then LL would be on ESPN The Ocho right after Dodge Ball and the Tetherball Championships.

And Fire, see the above posts and then research how LL is SUPPOSED to work. Yes, all the kids are SUPPOSED to come from within certain zip code areas near their home parks and the all-star team is SUPPOSED to be voted in by all the players at that park and then those players are SUPPOSED to vote who they want for coaches. But instead a nearby travel team makes a backroom deal with that LL park on who the coaches and players will be and then they play 60% of the schedule with the rest of their time on the travel circuit and then push aside all the Little Leaguers who actually played the full schedule and thought they would have a chance at making an all-star team just to be told to take their end of season trophy and go home.
I am surprised at how poorly these LL/Travel 12 yr olds play and they would get crushed playing any full time travel team from 643, EC, Acworth, Wills, Shaw, YardDogs, etc.

The more you research how things REALLY work in that LLWS arena the more disgusted you get that the general public is being lied to and duped.
4 seam Posted - 08/30/2010 : 12:36:51
Some of you are crazy these boys can play baseball. They just have to play by the rules set forth!

I would put them up against the best USSSA teams and it would be a great ball game!
itsaboutbb Posted - 08/30/2010 : 11:39:48
Originally posted by AA17Dad

Fan or not of the LLWS it was pale in conparison to the Nation Youth Championship played this weekend. The level of talent was dramaticaly better in the NYBC. The top 4 LLWS teams would have gone 1 and out in this field of teams. Center field was 285' with a 20' fence...no cheap Hr's here. Outstanding talent. Great Baseball!

After watching this I have decided to form a new team for 13U. The first prerequisite is you can't be under 5' 8" 130
FIRE Posted - 08/30/2010 : 10:48:12
also consider that hitting from 46 feet with a little barrell is tougher than 50 with big barrell, and all players on a little league team are from one area, not just from anywhere you can get them.
CoachDad Posted - 08/30/2010 : 09:43:17
Which one was on ESPN...
AA17Dad Posted - 08/30/2010 : 08:55:02
Fan or not of the LLWS it was pale in conparison to the Nation Youth Championship played this weekend. The level of talent was dramaticaly better in the NYBC. The top 4 LLWS teams would have gone 1 and out in this field of teams. Center field was 285' with a 20' fence...no cheap Hr's here. Outstanding talent. Great Baseball!
CoachDad Posted - 08/30/2010 : 08:18:27
The thing that everyone seems to be missing about Little League is what seems to affect a lot of posters in this forum. There sems to be an elitist mentality regarding baseball that affects the future of the sport as "America's passtime." Without programs like Little League, Dizzy Dean, et al, the sport will not reach the masses when they are young and will not provide the commonality of respect and admiration that leads children to become life long fans of the game. Withot a positive experience with the game, chances are that today's youth wih their limited attention spans will turn to other interests when they reach majority. Regardless of how great a baseball player anyone's son seems to be at age 10 and 14, statistics would bear out that a majority of youngsters who are touted as the next hall of fame athelete or even professional or college prospect will not acheive that level. If we only support programs which cater to the seemingly elite, we are missing the big picture. If we, as a community of people who love baseball, do not support programs such as these which take in a larger section of the country including those who can only afford $65 to play in a league as opposed to x hundreds of dollars to play travel baseball, can we truly say we love our sport? Instead of denegrating programs such as these, travel baseball parents, who obviously can afford to shell out large sums of cash for baseball, should dedicate a portion of their plannd expenditure each year to donate to programs such as these so that when their travel baseball superstar makes the show there will be fans to fill the seats and television revenue to pay little Johnny's contract.
FIRE Posted - 08/20/2010 : 10:48:28
i think there was a marietta team in the state tournament in toccoa last year but warner robins ended up winning it.
leftyrightyecb Posted - 08/20/2010 : 09:42:41
East Marietta (1983 WS champs) should be crawling with talent as they are in the baseball talent rich Cobb County and in ECB and 643 territory. I don't know anything about their program or how they run things. Where do they rank as far as LL teams go from year to year?
Thunder Posted - 08/20/2010 : 07:22:41
Whatever they're doing down there, they're doing it well. Softball included....the softball team from Warner Robins has won their LLWS 3 of the past 4 years and finished second the other year. Only program in all of LL to have a baseball and softball champion in both sports.
bb2210 Posted - 08/18/2010 : 15:15:32
as a parent of a wr little league and travel player - i concur wholeheartedly - the work has already begun for the next 2 seasons - you can bet on it
Originally posted by smoke

problem is.....these kids do know how to do all these things, all the teams still playing now are filled with travel ball players who play both little league and travel ball during their 12 year old year just to try to make it on tv. the travel team coaches in those areas like columbus and warner robins work with little league, months and even years in advance to make it happen. other areas havent figured it out yet, yes, there is heavy recruiting of these travel players to play little league, trust me, the meetings and planning has already started for next year...in certain areas. those travel players playing little league are simply required to participate in at least 60% of regular season games during the season to be eligible for the allstar team at the end of the year when most travel teams are done. columbus & warner robins are setting the table for 2011 & 2012

smoke Posted - 08/18/2010 : 10:40:17
problem is.....these kids do know how to do all these things, all the teams still playing now are filled with travel ball players who play both little league and travel ball during their 12 year old year just to try to make it on tv. the travel team coaches in those areas like columbus and warner robins work with little league, months and even years in advance to make it happen. other areas havent figured it out yet, yes, there is heavy recruiting of these travel players to play little league, trust me, the meetings and planning has already started for next year...in certain areas. those travel players playing little league are simply required to participate in at least 60% of regular season games during the season to be eligible for the allstar team at the end of the year when most travel teams are done. columbus & warner robins are setting the table for 2011 & 2012
Nitro56 Posted - 08/17/2010 : 11:29:21
I love this discussion. My son (yep, I'm a baseball MOM) was irritated that "he doesn't get to play on TV". I countered with all the things he already knows how to do that those boys don't: lead off, steal, throw from the stretch, pick off moves, throw from 54", run farther, hit farther and the list goes on. I'm glad he has the head start over those guys.

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