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 Paulding 7th-8th Grade tryouts
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Posted - 07/13/2017 :  15:52:34  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
The Paulding County Patriots 2017 8th grade feeder baseball program will be holding a closed tryout on Sunday, August 6 from 1:00-5:00pm at the Paulding High School baseball field. We are looking for rising 7th and 8th graders who are coachable and willing to work hard with the goal of playing on the P.C. High School team.
Paulding County High School coaching staff will be helping out periodically. We will be using the indoor facilities during the winter months. We will start weight and condition training in November at the football field house. Aside from baseball fundamentals, we will be focusing on agility, proper nutrition and general strength training to prepare your child for high school baseball, and to make them aware of the work ethic necessary to play at a higher level.

The tryouts are free. Please arrive 30 mins early for registration and warmups. Physicals are needed prior to the tryout.

Please contact coach Chad Payne at
Cpayne@zacbrownband.com if interested. We allow travel ball players as this doesn't interfere. Games and practices will be early in the week. During late winter early spring 2018 we will play surrounding schools in Paulding, Cobb, and Douglas Counties. The Paulding County Feeder team has been very successful last few years winning or finishing 2nd in the league.


86 Posts

Posted - 07/15/2017 :  13:09:41  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by ChadPayne08

The Paulding County 2017 8th grade feeder baseball program will be holding a closed tryout on Sunday, August 6 from 1:00-5:00pm at the Paulding High School baseball field. We are looking for rising 7th and 8th graders who are coachable and willing to work hard with the goal of playing on the P.C. High School team.
Paulding County High School coaching staff will be helping out periodically. We will be using the indoor facilities during the winter months. We will start weight and condition training in November at the football field house. Aside from baseball fundamentals, we will be focusing on agility, proper nutrition and general strength training to prepare your child for high school baseball, and to make them aware of the work ethic necessary to play at a higher level.

If you live in Paulding County but the high school you are in doesn't have a feeder team, you are still eligible to tryout / play for the team. Practices and games will be played at PCHS and surrounding High School facilities.

The tryouts are free. Please arrive 30 mins early for registration and warmups. Physicals are needed prior to the tryout.

Please contact coach Chad Payne at
Cpayne@zacbrownband.com if interested. We allow travel ball players as this doesn't interfere. Games and practices will be early in the week. During late winter early spring 2018 we will play surrounding schools in Paulding, Cobb, and Douglas Counties. The Paulding County Feeder team has been very successful last few years winning or finishing 2nd in the league.

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