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2 Posts

Posted - 04/26/2017 :  12:27:28  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
We're about to dive head first into summer baseball and I need a list of survival tips/supplies!

Tell me anything and everything!

Thank you!


1989 Posts

Posted - 04/26/2017 :  13:32:28  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Welcome to the site! We covered this extensively awhile back. Here is the link.

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Posted - 04/26/2017 :  15:48:19  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thank you!!!
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149 Posts

Posted - 04/26/2017 :  17:25:39  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
We travel quite light. Son has all of his usual gear, including a pair of sports sun glasses. We don't have back ups of anything because, frankly, if he forgets something, he needs to suffer the consequences and learn from it. ;)

I always leave in my car: one stadium chair, one field chair, golf umbrella, blanket, sun screen, bug spray, small first aid kit/supplies. When it's hot, we pack a frog tog (keep it in a baggie of water and then put that in/on ice) and a little misting fan. If it's going to be a long day and/or we're there over a meal, I bring food in a cooler.

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1989 Posts

Posted - 04/27/2017 :  07:46:26  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by TaxiMom

We travel quite light. Son has all of his usual gear, including a pair of sports sun glasses. We don't have back ups of anything because, frankly, if he forgets something, he needs to suffer the consequences and learn from it. ;)

I always leave in my car: one stadium chair, one field chair, golf umbrella, blanket, sun screen, bug spray, small first aid kit/supplies. When it's hot, we pack a frog tog (keep it in a baggie of water and then put that in/on ice) and a little misting fan. If it's going to be a long day and/or we're there over a meal, I bring food in a cooler.


For the most part I agree with this....BUT....for the younger ages it's worth having extra. For the older ages I have been known to stick by this statement.

When my son was getting ready for his JV tryout at the high school he said "Can you PLEASE go over my bag with me and make sure I am not forgetting anything?", I gave him THE look, he said "Mom PLEASE, now is NOT a learning moment!" I went over his bag with him
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149 Posts

Posted - 04/27/2017 :  18:20:17  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by CaCO3Girl
For the most part I agree with this....BUT....for the younger ages it's worth having extra. For the older ages I have been known to stick by this statement.

I did it when he was younger too....no reason why most everything shouldn't be in their bag anyway.....and if they forget their glove, or bat, they can borrow one from a teammate.......the ONLY thing he ever forgot, and for which I did make an exception, was his cleats (he had gotten into the car in his socks only). Luckily, we were only 1 mile away from the house when he realized he had left them at home, so we turned around.
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