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Posted - 05/07/2014 :  21:53:33  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
My son is claiming that scouts only go to Perfect Game tournaments and not to high school baseball games. I don't know enough about that part of the game and was wondering if he has any truth to what he is saying.


985 Posts

Posted - 05/07/2014 :  23:43:19  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Not entirely true, but you will find FAR more scouts at PG events than HS games. PG is basically the largest baseball scouting organization in the world, so it reasons that players wanting to be seen by scouts will congregate there and scouts get more bang for their buck by attending these events since most playing are seeking to advance to the next level.

A scout attending a high school game may have to shag half way across a state to watch two teams of which maybe 5 legit prospects are playing.

Compare to a PG tournament where there may be hundreds of legit prospects playing multiple games within a few miles of each other (or in the same complex in the new LakePoint facility) in a matter of days.

Doesn't take long to figure out where I'd spend my time as a scout.

Most scouts that are attending a HS game are coming out to see one particular player, or maybe two if they're lucky. If your kid isn't one of those one or two players, then he likely won't even be noticed unless he REALLY does something to stand out. It's still happening at high schools, but odds are slim of seeing scouts frequently.
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1432 Posts

Posted - 05/08/2014 :  10:33:44  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
In the know is correct. Also keep in mind that the HS season is at the same time as the college season. Coaches have very little time to go to HS games. The majority of scouts I saw at HS games were pro scouts coming to see a stud that had already committed to a big D1 school. I did see a very few scouts from colleges, but not many. And it happened to be when their team was playing near by. They stayed for a couple of innings to see the guy they were looking at and then left because they had somewhere else to be for their own team. PG tournaments and individual showcases are definitely where you will get the most exposure.
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