We had a situation this weekend where a runner that was on second base was taking his lead and doing so in a way to make contact with our shortstop (would take the diagonal lead off steps then move towards SS). Our shortstop tried to move out of the way by moving forward or backward but the runner did the same thing too. I think it was caused because of a pick off play we did the previous day to pick them off second, but none the less, what is the rule on that, if any? The umps discussed it but I was in the stands. I did hear them say there should not be any contact but did not hear a rule. Also, which umpire would watch that since the one in the field is watching for a balk and the home plate would be watching the pitcher to pitch?
There is no interference unless the fielder is attempting to field a batted or thrown ball. What you had was bad sportsmanship. And with only two umpires, it is impossible to see the shennanigans going on out there sometimes.