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Posted - 11/21/2022 :  12:42:53  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Everyone,

Very excited to reach out to this community and introduce ourselves. Velocity Athlete Development is based out of Canton, Ga. We are a sports performance gym that provides a wide range of offerings to support your athlete’s needs.

We have recently added a new facility on our land that we now have dedicated for batting cages only. We also have three pitching lanes in addition to the batting cage space. As I have learned there is a huge demand for this space here in the area. We hope that we can be a solution for you and your team.

In addition to the use of our batting cages, we hope we can be a one stop solution for your athlete or Team where we can offer not only the rental of our cages, but our expertise to enhance your athlete’s or Team’s performance. Through our Sports Performance, we offer speed and agility, strength training, plyometric, COD and more. We also have our recover lab on sight for your athletes to help aid in their quick recovery.

I hope you will visit our website at www.VtheDay.com or call at 404-710-0485 to learn how we can help you as an individual or even how we can support the Team in being the best that they can be.


Josh Richardson
Velocity Athlete Development

IG: Velocity_Football
Twitter: Velocity_FB
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