Please go to to view the web site. We have a lot to add. If any of you would care to bring your team up for the weekend or a spend the night party with the team just give us a call. I have asked Stan if he would allow us to sponsor this site and hopefully we will be on board soon.
Hey Papa, the website looks like its coming along nicely. However one thing you should have your webmaster look at is reducing the size of the pictures you have on the site. They are loading WAY to SLOW. I have broadband for internet connection and it took almost 30 secs for each of those pictures to load. This will make it more enjoyable for people who visit the website. It should only take your webmaster about 1 min per photo to make the change.
Also I hope you dont thinking I am picking at you but the comment on the website about being the largest sports facility in the southeast might cause some legal backlash on the about us page. There is a larger facility in Atlanta and there is a 100,000 sq ft facility in Florida owned by Barry Larkin just off the top of my head.
Lil_Stinger was there last night and really likes the place. He loved the animated batting cage and it is the best one I have ever seen. The only thing as a parent that I would like to see that I didn't was wireless. Thanks for the great facility.