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1520 Posts

Posted - 03/01/2011 :  22:29:35  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Guys, Believe it or not Jim Stros did call me to discuss the call and although we did not agree on everything we had a very nice discussion. There are very few umpires that would take the time to explain what they were seeing and thinking during any particular play and most would not have even called.

From what I saw I still believe that the run should have counted but this is not what he saw and I respect his decision. We also discussed the aftermath and he has said that he would work on his bedside manner while umpiring and since I don't have a degree in umpiring Papa has agreed not to try and assist the Doctor in his admininstration of the calls during a game.

I truly believe that if we all give Mr. Stros and this association the opportunity that he will attempt to do the best job possible. Several folks including Tony thinks that his intentions are to make his group one of the best in the Atlanta area and Papa for one is more than willing to allow him the opportunity. But remember I did not promise not to offer the Doctor advice as I only said I would try to refrain from offering advice.

Once again I think that this forum has served its very purpose in bringing a problem out into the light and discussing the problem and hopefully bring the problem closer to a fair resolution. Thank you Jim Stros and NUA as this is way things should work.

NUA Umpires

31 Posts

Posted - 03/02/2011 :  00:21:40  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Baseball PaPa-

I enjoyed speaking with you today.

Thank you for your Post. Positive or negative, feedback is an extremely valuable tool in helping to grow and nurture a quality umpire association, and your feedback is greatly appreciated.

Our goal as an association and what we teach our umpires is to strive to get the plays and rulings correct, and to seek help in those situations where help is truly needed. We are not out there to be right, we are out there to do our best to get it right. As umpires, every game is a classroom session where we learn something new on how to handle situations. Rest assured, even as the director, we all know that there is more to learn and that only experience (more ballgames) can teach us. We also teach that the baseball field is not our kingdom. We are an integral part of the game and have a duty to maintain control and enforce the rules, not always an easy task. Emotions can sometimes get the better of us but we do strive to work to the highest standards of professionalism.

Thank you again for your comments. Please feel free to send me a note anytime. As I said, feedback is very much appreciated and believe it or not helps us keep our umpires accountable and we take your feedback very seriously when trying to help our umpires learn from their mistakes.

Please feel free to visit our web site at www.nuaumpiresusa.org All my contact information is under the contact us link.


Jim Stros,
National Directior
National Umpires Association
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244 Posts

Posted - 03/02/2011 :  09:11:58  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I may be late to the party but what happened? Is there a link to a post with the details? As a coach, every understood situation helps.
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545 Posts

Posted - 03/02/2011 :  09:46:52  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
At the request of both of the parties the original post was deleted. The issue being discussed was a run scoring in an appeal situation on the 3rd out. This probably would be a good topic to start over and not relate it to a specific instance or get personal.
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