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 Best Alloy Bats?
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6 Posts

Posted - 01/19/2011 :  09:08:53  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Rank the best alloy bats on the market? NOT COMPOSIT!!!
Curious to see the different opinions!


427 Posts

Posted - 01/19/2011 :  09:52:06  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
My opinion is it depends on the age you're playing.

8U and under - Worth Prodigy
9U and 10U - Easton Rival
11U and up I like the Vendetta and H2, both have composite handles with an alloy barrel - I don't know but would like to hear if these bats will be banned as well for having a composite handle.

Edited by - baseballnutz on 01/19/2011 10:23:57
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2 Posts

Posted - 01/19/2011 :  10:28:19  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Does anyone have feedback on the Demarini M2M (Metal to Metal) ? This is Demarini's entry into the 100% alloy market.
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171 Posts

Posted - 01/19/2011 :  10:36:58  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
My son really likes his Exogrid.
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160 Posts

Posted - 01/19/2011 :  10:41:23  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
-3 for balance bat...Demarini Voodoo. Weighting feels like a -5-JMHO
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791 Posts

Posted - 01/19/2011 :  10:58:58  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Last years two piece NIKE allow, red in color. I believe my son gets hits off this bat just as good as his Combat composite.

I personally have hit on it many, many times and I love the way the ball explodes off it. The bat is very balanced to. We had lots of bats over the years and this one by far is my favorite!
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61 Posts

Posted - 01/19/2011 :  13:14:18  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Easton Black Magic or Tennessee Thumper
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913 Posts

Posted - 01/19/2011 :  13:54:20  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I thought the Tenn Thumper was a wood bat?? I can't find an aluminum one online
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98 Posts

Posted - 01/19/2011 :  14:44:46  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
My son really likes his Rawlings 51/50. It's balanced and he can hit a ball 350ft with it.
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220 Posts

Posted - 01/19/2011 :  19:05:00  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by baseball1975

Rank the best alloy bats on the market? NOT COMPOSIT!!!
Curious to see the different opinions!

My oldest has always swung Exo-grids until recently. We have tried many different model bats and there is a newer player in the bat game we have only tried recently. Marucci...

Anybody would enjoy hitting with a Marucci Cat5 in cold weather. I threw a waterlogged baseball and my middle son hit it off the end of the bat. No sting!!! Made me a believer. You will feel a vibration but the sting(bite) is not there. Amazing. We have only hit in the outdoor cages (last time with snow on the ground) and my youngest two did not mind hitting. Now my oldest with his 5150 and wood bats was complaining when he hit one off the end of the bat.

Marucci says that the player will swing harder when he doesn't have to worry about the sting. I am a believer and when the BBCOR comes out, my high school player will probably have one in his bag to use on the cold days at the least.
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6 Posts

Posted - 01/19/2011 :  21:07:29  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Sorry guys, I am talking about 11u-12u alloy bats. This is the years leading to middle school where they have to use -3 but i'm not sure I want to incorporate that a year early, atleast in game situations. So... is there any feedback on the Combat alloy (B1Y or the Exit YB). I also heard good reviews on Demarini Vexuum DVX (yellow 2 5/8 bat)?
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220 Posts

Posted - 01/20/2011 :  12:15:40  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by baseball1975

Sorry guys, I am talking about 11u-12u alloy bats. This is the years leading to middle school where they have to use -3 but i'm not sure I want to incorporate that a year early, atleast in game situations. So... is there any feedback on the Combat alloy (B1Y or the Exit YB). I also heard good reviews on Demarini Vexuum DVX (yellow 2 5/8 bat)?

What middle school league requires -3? I have seen over 40 middle school games the last three years and there was one umpire (it was his first middle school game) that made them bring out the drop 3's. Well he checked the bats before the game and then the others bats came out for the game. In the six playoff games and the two championship games the boys played in, there was no checking of the bats. At least that was my experience with middle school baseball.
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162 Posts

Posted - 01/20/2011 :  13:45:54  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Tennessee requires all middle schools from 6th-8th grade require -3 bats.
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138 Posts

Posted - 01/20/2011 :  14:42:35  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by blowinsmoke

Easton Black Magic or Tennessee Thumper

Blowinsmoke is old school. Tennessee Thumper one of the best bats of it's time. No bat out did the Easton Black Magic!
I remember a big kid CF for University of GA they called him "Magic") Steve Carter I think, would take BP the end cap would come off the bat, he would pick it up, pound it back on, on the plate, and hit the next pitch out near the tennis complex behind the fence on up on the bank in right field.
My son uses an Easton Reflex made in 1996 saves me a ton of money. But the best pop off a bat I have seen is probably the first year of the B2, Younger kids like the Worth Prodigy, but my favorite is the metal TPX's because they last forever and still have pop. Red Exo if you can find it.

Edited by - toprank on 01/20/2011 15:41:22
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6 Posts

Posted - 01/20/2011 :  21:42:33  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I know here in Calhoun middle school has to use -3's. i am pretty sure that is the standard rule!!
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