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 One Piece Bat for High School
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27 Posts

Posted - 12/22/2010 :  09:25:10  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Any thoughts on a top end, good price, bat for senior league/highschool? With rules disallowing composite in Georgia, what are some really good -3 bats for the money? Any thoughts out there?


222 Posts

Posted - 12/22/2010 :  09:59:44  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
We have not had any experience with the new BBCOR bats although I read on another board the the Easton Surge had some POP.

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802 Posts

Posted - 12/22/2010 :  10:29:47  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I got the Rawlings Exo for my son and he really likes it. If you like the LS Exo, you will like the one from Rawlings. I was skeptical, but like the results so far.
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220 Posts

Posted - 12/22/2010 :  11:25:18  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Alter-Ego

I got the Rawlings Exo for my son and he really likes it.

G-Lo, did you see them online for $99? One store had a 10% discount, so the cost was only $89 a couple of weeks ago. Good to hear your son likes it. I was not going to buy bats this Christmas, but those prices changed my mind.
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1432 Posts

Posted - 12/22/2010 :  11:33:17  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
My son likes the TPX Omaha. Pretty inexpensive and lasts forever. Good pop as well. Just know, pretty much all bats out now are still BESR. They will only be good for this HS season. Before next season starts, you will need a BBCOR bat.
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160 Posts

Posted - 12/22/2010 :  13:56:16  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
heard the BBCOR bats are dogs. might as well go to wood for HS ages 14 and up. at least you dont spend 400 for wood.
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145 Posts

Posted - 12/22/2010 :  17:59:59  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Everyone, I am selling most of my -3 BESR bats for 50% off. I have a few Copperheads that are retail $55 and I sell for $50. We don't have tons left so if you want me to hold one for you or sell it over the phone and ship please call the store 678-903-0024.

**We are closed from Christmas to New Years so if you call after Friday we will happily take care of you when we get back Jan 3rd**
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222 Posts

Posted - 12/23/2010 :  06:29:54  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I'm OK with wood for 14U & up including HS play. We plalyed a lot of wood last spring & fall and it was a lot of fun to watch. It also separates the "Men" from the boys in terms of hitting.
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9 Posts

Posted - 12/23/2010 :  09:46:59  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Get a bat he is comfortable with. The BBCOR bats are all the same. There is no longer a "magic" bat with extra pop. We buy two every season because he will invariably break at least one of them. While it is out on warranty replacement he will have the other one to use. We've had good experiences with all of the major brands regarding their warranty process. Just save your receipts!
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222 Posts

Posted - 12/23/2010 :  10:42:58  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
A-Dad, I'm not sure you can say all the BBCOR bats are the same. I have not seen any in use yet but I think the construction can vary and so can the balance. They just need to meet the same specs. Its just not BSER.
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16 Posts

Posted - 12/23/2010 :  14:52:32  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I would agree that not all bats are the same, we all have to remember that the BESR bats that are currently in place for this year are just a standard but the bats wght placement and feel make some kids like one bat over another. My kids have always loved the LS Omaha bats and they have a 2011 model out that has the BBCOR cert out and it's not as pricy as some of the other bats. LS Omaha bats have always performed well for my boys and they always love the wght balance. My oldest tried one year to go w/Easton but didn't like the power cap I think it was but he said he didn't like how the wgt was placed in the bat and went back to LS as quickly as possible. I would suggest maybe better baseball in Marietta where your son can try it before you buy it.
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9 Posts

Posted - 12/24/2010 :  12:29:46  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Let me qualify. I agree that not all bats are the same. However, when you start spending over $200, you've reached a level of parity. The difference between the $299 bat and the $399 bat isn't going to be much more than the paint job. At that point I don't believe you are going to find a bat that is measurably hotter, in terms of pop than another.
The hot bat is going to be the one your son is comfortable with. The bat that fits him in size, weight, and balance - and the one he is confident with - will be the "hot" bat for him.
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6 Posts

Posted - 12/26/2010 :  23:29:30  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hey FYI guys not all composites bats have been banned. This link will tell you which bats are approved, not withstanding any local difference of opinion.... http://www.nfhs.org/content.aspx?id=4155 I got this link from GHSA web site a few weeks ago around the begining of December.
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802 Posts

Posted - 12/27/2010 :  10:22:42  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
but everyone remember, as bballman said, ALL the existing bats will be illegal after the 2011 season. I would not invest a lot in a bat knowing I have to buy a new one in the fall to get used to it for the 2012 HS season.

There are some good deals out there. 3sondad, I got one from Rawlings back in Sept for $125. Not quite the deal you listed, but still a lot better than $300-$399. At these prices, buying one for a year is not so bad.
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98 Posts

Posted - 12/29/2010 :  17:46:32  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Has anyone bought this new bat? If so how is it.

2011 DeMarini Vexxum BBCOR
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18 Posts

Posted - 01/15/2011 :  12:27:40  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Saw the link on the site. But did not see the 2010 Demarini Voodoo (-3) listed. Is this bat banned? It was my understanding that this bat was/is good for the 2011 HS season.
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9 Posts

Posted - 01/15/2011 :  13:51:04  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Shark

Saw the link on the site. But did not see the 2010 Demarini Voodoo (-3) listed. Is this bat banned? It was my understanding that this bat was/is good for the 2011 HS season.

The NFHS link is for approved, composite bats. The Voodoo is a two-piece with an aluminum barrel. It is approved for 2011 HS play.
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802 Posts

Posted - 01/15/2011 :  16:57:27  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
The Voodoo does not have a composite barrel, so it is ok. The listed bats were just the composite barrel bats that were approved. You should be good.
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