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116 Posts

Posted - 12/20/2010 :  19:32:43  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Money spent this year based on you guys advice.
1. Year round weekly hitting lessons. $$$
2. Home batting cage with pitching machine. $$
3. Zooka to shoot fly balls 2oo ft cause I can't hit them far enough anymore. $$
4. New Nokona glove. $
5. New Easton Surge. $
6. Latest purchase- Swing-away. $

Mom's time spent with son...............Priceless!


667 Posts

Posted - 12/20/2010 :  21:27:38  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
#3: Impressive. I never COULD hit the ball - period. I gotta go google "Zooka".
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26 Posts

Posted - 12/20/2010 :  22:37:22  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Excellent way to look at it.

BTW, how old is your athlete?
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116 Posts

Posted - 12/22/2010 :  22:37:35  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Lefty my athelete is 12u this year and working harder than ever! I need all the help I can get just to keep up!
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26 Posts

Posted - 12/25/2010 :  13:57:56  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
12u is an excellent age for baseball. Any chance he is going to Cooperstown this coming year?
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116 Posts

Posted - 12/25/2010 :  17:46:37  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
His team is playing in Ripken - Myrtle Beach in July.
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26 Posts

Posted - 12/25/2010 :  17:53:09  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
That is a great experience as well. I am sure you and he will enjoy it very much. It is also nice to get a little beach time in as well.
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6 Posts

Posted - 12/26/2010 :  23:32:24  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
The only thing I would cvhange on your list is buying a bit better pitching machine and using that for OF flys...as well as infield work, straight up pops for catchers, and of course batting practice..
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802 Posts

Posted - 12/27/2010 :  10:34:36  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I have had a zooka for 8 years (since my son was 7). For age 12U and under, it is great for all aspects of the game (hitting infield and outfield popups, hitting grounders, throwing BP, hitting balls straight up for catchers, throwing balls in the dirt to catchers, etc). Once they go to 13U and up, it becomes limited on the outfield distance it can reach. It still does the other stuff well, though. The best part is it's batter is self contained and does not require an extension cord.

That was always my issue with the other units. They were better but required me to be in a location where I had power or required a generator. Not to mention they were a lot more costly.

All in all it has been a great practice assistant.
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116 Posts

Posted - 12/28/2010 :  09:35:57  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
We have loved our Zooka! Saved him alot of frustration with mom not being able to hit grounders hard enough or fly ball high/far enough anymore. We dont use it at all for a pitching machine just for one on one work at the field in all positions. It's light enough I can carry without too much strain and no electricity needed.
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44 Posts

Posted - 12/29/2010 :  23:30:31  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Well bought the swingaway for my son for Christmas, lol, putting that net on and attaching all those bungee cords was a royal pain!! LOL
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222 Posts

Posted - 12/30/2010 :  10:57:38  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by SouthSide24

Well bought the swingaway for my son for Christmas, lol, putting that net on and attaching all those bungee cords was a royal pain!! LOL

SS24, The good news is you'll only have to do it once;)

My sons have really made good use of the Swingaway we bought about three years ago. Just make sure the bungee cords stay aligned and they'll last a while. eventually you'll need to replace the bungee's and ball - I keep a few extra of each on hand so when they need to be repllaced we don't have any down time.

Another tip is when you order parts call instead of ordering online. If you process the order online the shipping cost is often more than the parts themselves. When you talk directly to the rep you can get a better shipping rate.
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