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203 Posts

Posted - 12/18/2010 :  18:15:43  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
What are teams doing during the off season? are they working out as a team or individually? pitching? hitting? strength and conditioning? How many times a week or month? are they mandatory or optional?

is there a relationship between that AA , AAA, or Major level teams are doing?


791 Posts

Posted - 12/19/2010 :  11:36:32  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
O, there is a discussion in 12u (how to prepare hitters for spring) that might help.
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436 Posts

Posted - 12/20/2010 :  09:17:19  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Best off season workout for younger players is any other sport.
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667 Posts

Posted - 12/20/2010 :  14:15:02  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Nobody really answered your question, so I'll speak to the topic, but only as it pertains to what my own son does individually and with his team, plus it's just my opinion which isn't worth a lot.

Before that - I'm gonna take a stab and say it does matter what level you are playing with regards to AA, AAA and Major.

We have a team that is split 50-50 between AAA and AA players. I don't think the AA level guys (i.e THEIR PARENTS) take things as seriously as the rest which mostly is why they are still the caliber player they are. We have 2 team days of speed/agility, but the facility offers unlimited to us every week. Very few take advantage of that. We have one team batting/pitching/defensive session per week and hit the field weather permitting when it's available.

Lately, weather hasn't been "permitting".

Some of our guys also have private hitting and pitching lessons weekly. Some are also involved in wrestling or basketball until Mid February. The kids playing another sport right now, doing private hitting/pitching, attending every speed/agility class and showing up to all the team group type workouts are the ones who could play at a higher level, but are being extremely loyal to this coach.

We have a code of conduct, but let's face it, with a slim roster, is the coach really going to kick anybody off for missing things during the holidays? Not ours. No one is beating down our door at the moment to replace them.

On the other hand, I can see that at a high AAA or Major level that every kid is minding their Ps and Qs so they DON'T get replaced. Those guys have always taken it more seriously (or their parents have). Or so it seems to me.

All I told my son is that he needs to lead by example. I'm not sure the other players or parents notice that he never has a homework excuse, he puts baseball practice before basketball practice, he's there every practice plus continuing his private lessons etc. and so forth, but I KNOW his coach notices.

He's putting forth the effort and building his confidence. I believe the persistency will be noticeable come March.
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619 Posts

Posted - 12/20/2010 :  19:58:50  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I don't want this to sound like an arguement, but if your son is missing basketball for baseball. or any any current sport for an off season sport, is that fair to the basketball team?

For us, baseball practice is limited this time of year, simply due to other sports obligations. Sure he would be "better" come spring if we focused just on baseball. But he enjoys multiple sports, and gets plenty of conditioning and hand eye work outside baseball in the off season.

Just my opinion.

Originally posted by rippit

I don't think the AA level guys (i.e THEIR PARENTS) take things as seriously as the rest which mostly is why they are still the caliber player they are. We have 2 team days of speed/agility, but the facility offers unlimited to us every week. Very few take advantage of that.

The kids playing another sport right now, doing private hitting/pitching, attending every speed/agility class and showing up to all the team group type workouts are the ones who could play at a higher level, but are being extremely loyal to this coach.

All I told my son is that he needs to lead by example. I'm not sure the other players or parents notice that he never has a homework excuse, he puts baseball practice before basketball practice, he's there every practice plus continuing his private lessons etc. and so forth, but I KNOW his coach notices.

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667 Posts

Posted - 12/20/2010 :  21:22:05  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

I hear you and totally understand where you are coming from. I really do.

On the one hand, it was hard to choose one over the other. It may not be the best choice from everybody else's point of view and wasn't set up this way. We were told the baseball practices would be certain nights over the winter and let the basketball league draft accordingly. The baseball coach then switched up and my son had to make the choice. The one night of conflict was unfortunate in that both practices were the exact same time or he perhaps could have made both.

The basketball coach knew from the beginning what might happen and the baseball coach knows a sacrifice is being made. I hate it that in our area the kids are made to "choose" so early.

There's a good chance the basketball team will go far in the post season tournament - if that happens, baseball will have to come in 2nd in order not to let the basketball team down. The other baseball parents will just have to "adjust".

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436 Posts

Posted - 12/21/2010 :  07:38:25  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
What ever season is in takes priority at least in our house it does.
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