We need a Georgia based only "All-star" travel team that will sponsor the best team to play against only the best competition in the nation and compete at the highest level. MVP, Motor City, and Hurricanes pull from many states and are composed of mainly the most top talented players in the area. I believe Rawlings has done this in the past but not sure if they still do, and if they did, who will run it?
There is not a standout team amongst our Georgia 14u age group, only better teams than last year as the herd of players are beginning to dissipate and find their appropriate levels of competition. Historically the Astros have been the go-to club for this level of play, but someone screwed the pooch with this age group allowing egotistical coach Dad's or underwhelming coaches to perform these tasks. Now they have a new coach to clean it up from years of BS, good luck with that Wes. Some Clubs are giving out free player fees to good players to bolster a roster or boost the Club image, BUT that will only work for a short term until the lack of player development catches up with them. There may be good local competition, but we get exposed on a national level, unlike other age groups where the integrity of the team is intact.
Sorry about the rant, but I would like to see a Georgia based sponsored national team come together where the top players can compete without having to pick up with a Detroit or Miami team.