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831 Posts

Posted - 08/26/2010 :  12:10:23  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Dear Fellow Baseball Community Members,

My son plays travel baseball for the GA Bandits out of Ringgold, GA who are coached by Troy Roberson. Some of you know of this team and their coach and some don't. For those of you who don't, let me give you some background on the man we call "Coach Troy".

Troy is resident of Ringgold, GA and a general building contractor by trade. Troy is married to Stacy and they have two sons, Gage and Gavin. Gavin plays on my son's team, The Bandits. Gage is older and has just begun his 9th grade year at Heritage High School. Troy has unselfishly coached the Bandits since they were 5 years old in Dizzy Dean baseball out of Boynton Park. Up until a year ago, Coach Troy never asked for a penny from any player's parents in order to be a team member of the Bandits. That's right, Coach Troy paid for just about everything !!

About 3 years ago, Gage complained to his Mom and Dad that he had a bump on his head. They just assumed it was something he had gotten as a result of playing in the yard. As it turned out, it was a very rare form of cancer that Gage had. Surgery was performed and the tumor was removed from Gage's skull. All seemed good until Gage developed another tumor about 1 year later. It was also surgically removed and Gage underwent Chemotherapy treatment. The treatment was very hard on Gage's body and required him to be on maintenance medicine from that point forward. All along, the Roberson family was encouraged that the cancer was localized to Gage's bone structure, meaning that it had not invaded his soft tissue.

The Bandit family was informed recently that the cancer has now invaded Gage's soft tissue as well as his skeletal structure. Bottom line, this is not a good turn of events. Gage is currently undergoing Chemotherapy treatment on a daily basis. The medicine is administered through a port in his chest over a long period of time each day.

As I mentioned before, Coach Troy is a general contractor by trade. As any loving father would do, Troy is spending his days by his son's side as he receives his medical treatments. Stacy works as a teacher so that they can maintain the insurance necessary to keep Gage under good medical treatment.

Troy is a proud man that has always provided well for his family and others. The situation they are currently in has caused a serious financial hardship for the Roberson family. Reluctantly, Troy has agreed to let us help him and his family. I, and the rest of the Bandit family, are asking you for your help. We have set up a donation website where you can make donations via Paypal that will directly go to the Roberson family. The website for donations is:


We are also meeting soon to discuss other fund raising opportunities that might help. Any suggestions you would like to post here would be appreciated also.

Thank you very much for your support, donations and prayers.


831 Posts

Posted - 08/27/2010 :  13:38:56  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thank you to everyone who has donated so far. Please copy and paste the website address and send it to as many of your contacts as you can.


No donation is too small or insignificant during the extremely tough time the Robersons are facing.
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17 Posts

Posted - 08/28/2010 :  22:59:57  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Posted on my facebook page...prayers going out for Gage and the family!
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