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 Prayers needed/Go Fund Me for Austin Cagle
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Posted - 09/28/2018 :  11:31:34  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Austin Cagle is a 16u player that attends Cherokee HS, who recently joined my son's team. On Tuesday, September 18th, Austin was seriously injured in a freak and tragic ATV accident that paralyzed him from the waist down, while he managed to protect his friend.

The Cagle Family is asking for prayers and because Austin does not have medical insurance, help to fund the medical expenses and rehabilitation as Austin fights to walk again.

A Go Fund Me has been created to help with the astronomical medical expenses he is facing. He was transferred to CHOA yesterday and is hoping to eventually be accepted at the Shepherd Center.

If you would like to help out, here is the link: https://www.gofundme.com/fighting-for-01

Below is an email from Austin’s Mom, Casey, to give you a description of Austin and some detail on what happened that day.

Austin is a caring, hard working, charismatic 16 year old. His passion and love is baseball and has been since he was old enough to stand. His first toy he ever picked out was a little bat and ball. Since then, he's had one in his hand every day. He started playing little league at 3. Played All-stars every year until travel ball found him. It's been amazing to watch him grow and succeed and meet every mile stone he has set out for. His latest goal was to play for the GA Jackets. And he made it!! He was only able to have 2 practices with them before the tragic accident. But as he always does, he connected and bonded with his team mates instantly. With Austin, its always been about the "team" not about him. His patience, drive and dependability has helped him win many of games and life situations in his 16 years.

But nothing could have prepare us for what happened. The night of the accident our world fell apart. The unknown, the what ifs and they whys took over our lives for a minute. But only a minute! We thanked God he was still with us.

Austin was at a friends out hanging out. While standing in the driveway him and a girl friend of his decided to sit on a parked 4 wheeler to talk and hang out. For some reason the 4 wheeler started to roll. Because they were sitting on a hill it took off quickly and they were unable to get it stopped. Austin said his only thought at the moment was to save her. He did what he could to protect her from the impact of the four wheeler. It landed on him and continued to roll down the hill as did he. At that point it landed on him again - breaking his back. The girl walked a way and is doing good.

The Dr.s at Kennestone rushed him to surgery where rods and screws were put in to stabilize his spine. He suffered a traumatic hit to his spinal cord which has left with paralysis from the waist down. All we can do now is pray with hard work and determination (which he has) that full mobility will be restored.

Austin is aware of the long hard road ahead of him and he is ready for the challenge. With his "can't be beat" attitude we just know this to will be battle he WINS! God has a plan and a purpose for my son and we can't wait to see what it is.

We can't thank all of our friends, family and complete strangers enough for the love, support and encouragement over the last week. It wasn't until the accident I really got to see just how many live he as touched in his 16 years. I'm not going to say I was surprised because he is a phenomenal child with a heart of gold. He's always been one to stand up for what's right, not back down and be there for everyone he can.

Please keep him in your prayers as the journey continues.
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