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170 Posts

Posted - 05/12/2010 :  08:51:36  Show Profile
I thought that only Triple Crown & USTBA split bracket play into Gold & Silver Brackets. Last week, we played a Grand Slam event that split into Gold & Silver, and this weekend, we're playing in a USSSA tournament that is doing the same thing. What's up with that?


985 Posts

Posted - 05/12/2010 :  09:51:56  Show Profile
My guess is that you will see more and more of this. The advantages from a tournament director are these:

1. Attracts more teams. AAA & AA teams that would not want to pay $400+ to enter a tourney only to go two and out or three and out see this as a chance to play against some major teams and expose their boys to the stronger competition, yet still have an opportunity to play for something on Sunday. This can attract up to twice as many teams to a tournament. Big $'s in the TD's coffer.

2. Keeps more teams around longer, therefore more Gate fee & concession. If everyone gets a chance to come back and play on Sunday, even if just for one game, you've doubled your gate for the day and they will buy food and drinks while they're there. Back to the almighty $ for the TD.

3. The larger the tournament, the bigger the buzz, the better the tournament. Forums like this prove that. The result is that tournaments gain a reputation and organizations like Triple Crown become renowned for their events ensuring they fill them up when the come to town to host. More incentive for these TD's to go to this format.

4. The larger the tournament (see points above) the additional marketing opportunities. Most TD's aren't going to print T-shirts, etc., if they only have 8 teams. Make it 24 teams and up and you now have a chance to soak the grandparents to buy Jimmy that coveted "Northwest Triple Slam Invitational Open National State Championship" shirt. More $'s for TD and the creation of a more prestigious event.

So all of the points above present more money making opportunities for a TD for that and future events. The downside to this format is that it decreases the significance of pool play. Personally I think that a balance of both type events are nice. The good old days of 4-team pools with three pool games and only top two advancing are probably less and less likely given the advantages to the guys running these events to do otherwise.
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