I received this email and am passing it along:
I am working with the University of Notre Dame coaching staff and Triple Play Tournaments to put on a 14U tournament at the University of Notre Dame. We are looking to invite 25 very high-caliber teams and we were wondering if you would pass this email along to any 14U teams that you think would be interested in participating in a tournament of this caliber. We are close to having all of our spots filled so encourage them to contact me ASAP.
Below you will find more specific information as well as teams that have already made commitments to participate. If you have any further questions please do hesitate to respond to this email or to call me at 269-876-1782.
Thanks, Todd Marazita, Head Coach Michiana Clippers 14U
http://www.hometeamsonline.com/photos/baseball/TPT/ND_FrankEck.jpg14U Midwest Elite - University of Notre Dame
Age Group: 14U Dates: July 1-4, 2010 Location: University of Notre Dame - South Bend, IN Games: 4 Registration/Gate Fee: $150 Tournament Fee: $650
The University of Notre Dame and Triple Play Tournaments welcome you to their 14U Midwest Elite Summer Tournament. This will be a 4 game guarantee, weather permitting, in pool play format. The first 24 registered teams will be guaranteed 1 game at The University of Notre Dame's Frank Eck Stadium (again with weather permitting). Space is limited. Baseballs will be provided by Triple Play Tournaments. This is an "invitation only" event. Click below to request an invitation. There will be NO GATE FEES CHARGED at all tournament games.
To register go to www.tripleplaytournaments.com
Host Hotel: Waterford Estates Lodge - $79 a night Mention The University of Notre Dame Triple Play Tournaments for the event rate www.waterfordestateslodge.com or (877) 783-8496 for reservations
1 Motor City Hitdogs MI 2 The Juice TN 3 Edge Baseball IL 4 Tennessee Blueticks TN 5 Ohio Storm OH 6 Ohio Elite OH 7 Ohio Force OH 8 Michiana Clippers IN 9 MSA Black MI 10 South Oakland A's MI 11 Strongsville Stallions OH 12 Kentucky Rockers KY 13 Illinois Sparks White IL 14 Bridgeport Bombers IL 15 Indiana Pony Express IN 16 Detroit Metro Stars MI 17 Ft. Wayne Indians IN 18 Shoetiques TN 19 Michigan Bulls MI 20 Louisville Diablos KY 21 Kentucky Bearcats KY 22 Indiana Bulls IN 23 Sparks Travelers Red IL 24 25 |