We Invite you to join us for these One Day Tournaments at All Tournament Players Park
USTBA Georgia understands many teams want to play this fall, but with teams with players involved in other sports, this is making if difficult on teams to get on the diamond.
We hope these One-Day Sunday Tournaments will give your team a chance to keep your players on the diamond this fall, especially for your players not involved in other sports.
$195.00 Entry Teams pay $40 each to umpires @ plate meeting Teams Only Pay For Umpires For Games They Play!
Dates: Sunday October 4 - 10U & 11U Sunday October 11 - 11U & 12U
Game Time/Inning Limits: No New Inning Starts After 1 hour 30 minutes or 5 innings
Entry Fee: $195.00 - teams pay $40 each to umpires at plate meeting
Maximum Teams: 6 per age classification - NOTE: if only one age division makes - we will have 12 teams maximum with Ultimate & Elite division split
Berths: 2010 National Championship Qualifier $100 Discount for teams that that receive berths 1st & 2nd place teams in ALL divisions & Age Classifications receive berth's
Team Requirements: 1. USTBA team membership. 2. Completed Online Team Roster 3. Coach must posses birth certificates of all roster players
Admission: There will be a gate admission charged by All Tournament Players Park. Georgia USTBA does not charge or receive any gate admissions at ATPP.
Provisions: Baseballs Supplied By USTBA Georgia -1st & 2nd Place Team & Player Awards
I have been asked by many coaches to set up some 1 Day tournaments this fall due to lack of players on Saturday.
Here are two good ones at a great facilty.
I need to start hearing from teams on these 1 Day tournaments so I can decide if they are going to be a go or not and let ATPP know to free up fields for practice times.