Southern Baseball would like to invite your team to play with us on March 13-15, 2009 at Heritage Point Complex in Dalton Ga. We are hosting the 1st Annual Super Series Showcase which will allow you to see where your team stands early in the season. Also it will be a great chance to check out Super Series and Southern Baseball. We will also be hosting several other Super Series Tournaments and the 2009 State Tournament in which all winners receive a free PAID birth to the 2009 World Series.
Tournament Info:
Divisions- National/American Age 7-8 4 game min. Entry Fee- $175 Pre Register for free T Shirts Age 9-12 3 game min. Entry Fee- $350 Pre Register for free T Shirts Age 13-14 3 game min. Entry Fee- $375 Pre Register for free T Shirts
Make Sure you go to and get sanctioned and pre register by 2/13/09 and you will receive $25 off entry fee. *****ALSO***** Pre Register by 2/13/09 and your Team will receive free Super Series T Shirts