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 How can there be that many teams saying MAJOR
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436 Posts

Posted - 08/01/2012 :  11:13:39  Show Profile
I see so many start up teams and teams with a weak core saying they are going to be major, is that wishful thinking or something we don't know. I just don't see it happening.


1 Posts

Posted - 08/01/2012 :  14:12:08  Show Profile
Good question. We have been looking at a few teams, and my main concern is who do they really have? We think we know the team we want to join, but I have no idea how many of the players I have seen will really be on that team come September.
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112 Posts

Posted - 08/02/2012 :  20:21:10  Show Profile
New teams probably have no chance at being major, unless they are associated with East Cobb. East Cobb teams will get players just because their name is East Cobb.

I would do research on past teams the Head Coach has coach, if you are looking for a team that can compete at a major level.

If the head coach was part of a team that competed at a AAA/major level the year before the chances are that team will be a major team.

It is hard for a new team to get kids to even come out to the tryout. Most major players already have a team or has been recruited by another major team.

Should be interesting to see what new teams have formed and what old teams stayed together.

Bones Baseball will be back and stronger then ever!!!!!

Good Luck everyone on finding new teams.
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369 Posts

Posted - 08/03/2012 :  00:11:19  Show Profile
Hasn't this been going on every year?
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23 Posts

Posted - 08/10/2012 :  18:59:46  Show Profile
most of the teams that were classified as major last year were not really major.
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