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Posted - 06/04/2012 :  07:54:54  Show Profile
Congrat's to the ECB Reebok for winning the Triple Crown Georgia State Championship. Great young men and fans!!......also congrats to Kennesaw Baseball for taking 2nd place and posting a 9-1 record over the course of 3 days. Kennesaw lost their 1st bracket game and then went on to win 7 straight games (5 in a row on Sunday). Kennesaw won the 1st Championship game 12-11 but could not return to play the 2nd game in the double elimination tournament due to fatigue and the protection of their player’s arms.

Edited by - opie on 06/04/2012 07:55:39


119 Posts

Posted - 06/05/2012 :  12:31:26  Show Profile
This tournament was actually absurd....The fact that Kennesaw Baseball was punished for not coming back to play their 6th game of the day, not of the tournament, OF THE DAY, is absurd....Double elimination tournaments in baseball should not be played in three days...This type of abuse to the kids does not need to be tolerated...We are TC supporters but this type of thing needs to stop. Too much baseball for these kids and the only ones that can change it are the teams themselves not allowing this type of tournament to be played...I'm sorry Tony, but the more I think about this, the more mad I get. This is not girls softball.
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Posted - 06/05/2012 :  13:53:23  Show Profile
Double elimination in 3 days is crazy wrong. However, when you pay for the tournament, you know what you are getting into (or potentially getting into).

There are just too many wrong things that are associated with travel baseball. Abuse of arms is one of them. Nickel and diming (gate fees) the parents is another. Charging outrageous tournament fees is another.

I still don't understand what is wrong with getting a group of 3 or 4 teams on any one weekend and battling it out? The Roadrunner Invitational is a great venue! None of this crazy trophy chasing stuff. All teams play each other. The best 2 go for the championship.

What about the NWBA format for premier teams? Not gonna happen because of unfounded perception. Play a doubleheader on Tuesday. Play a game or two on Thursday. Play a round robin of 3 on Saturday.........take Sunday off and give the kids/family a break. That is baseball. 10 games in 2 days is silly.............and we are all silly to let it happen every year.
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