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985 Posts

Posted - 05/10/2012 :  12:49:53  Show Profile
Certain seeds in this weekend's tournament could possibly play 4 bracket games on Sunday if they get to the championship. A certain team that took exception to this last weekend is entered in this tournament.

Should Triple Crown prevent this team from participating? If they happen to fall in one of those seeds, should they be allowed to advance? Do you think that it's right that a team who has already stated they won't play 4 games in one day be allowed to prevent another team from advancing? Should this team advance and win their third game, putting them in the championship, should the team they beat be allowed to displace them in the championship?

Personally, I have an issue with this team being allowed to participate KNOWING what happened last weekend. What are your thoughts?


263 Posts

Posted - 05/10/2012 :  15:40:06  Show Profile
I still don't understand the 4 game theory? Doesn't this team have deep deep pitching options? What if this was an Disney 32 tourney? Would they play 4 games then in one day? If I were a TD the answer would be NO! But does playing the tourney at EC sway that decision? I don't see how it couldn't. I don't have a dog in this fight as my son is not in this age group, or play at ECB but coming off a tournament last weekend where a team didn't even show up after being emailed and scheduled, and knowing how steamed people were over that. I cannot imagine making the championship game wanting to play the best only to have them pack up and go home with no reason. Will be interesting to see the responses.
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