Any 8U CP teams looking to head down to Panama City Beach for 4th of July week for this tourney? They put on a good tournament and they are bringing bat wars to it, where the kids get to demo all the bats from the bat companies. Dizzy Dean affiliates, you really want to go to Valdosta or Mississippi or take your team to the beach for some baseball?
Say what you will about Mississippi but that tournament is great and they do an awesome job of hosting it.
You're right, the DDWS is a great tournament. The problem isn't that tournament. The problem is the archaic and often ridiculous DD rules and regulations surrounding the organization. At 13u Districts (specific District to remain unnamed), the DD rep had all the coaches for a particular team at a WalMart at 11pm purchasing shorts that matched for the coaches. Without them, they wouldn't be allowed to coach. Great Organization (Sarcastic key lock on for last statement).