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1520 Posts

Posted - 03/14/2012 :  22:34:07  Show Profile
If any of you has a 9-10 year old playing elite travel baseball then Papa would like to borrow him. The 13U site has become boring and dull and Papa needs a little excitement in his life to keep the bounce in his step. It seems like the older they get the less trash one can talk. Papa would love to adopt your 9-10 year old team and become your official spokesman. Coach Troy of the 13U Bandits will give me a glowing endorsement if you are interested.


92 Posts

Posted - 03/15/2012 :  09:46:00  Show Profile
thats hilarious papa!! you can adopt a 9u bulldog anytime you like.
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985 Posts

Posted - 03/15/2012 :  10:21:13  Show Profile
I have a 15 year old that you can have. No returns!
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323 Posts

Posted - 03/15/2012 :  11:21:03  Show Profile
Papa I will say this dropped back to 9u this year and it is fun for sure. I want to say more fun than the 13u. 13u seems to be all about improvement more. Heck I really do not care about wins at this age. Papa Been through this before it only gets worse. Summber ball after high school season really stinks. Pitchers will get list of when they are gonna pitch and only show up on those days etc... High school ball was fun but no fun in summer ball playing in 100 degree heat on a weekend tournament at 16-18 years old when all you buddies are at the lake.
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Steel Bats

15 Posts

Posted - 03/15/2012 :  11:27:39  Show Profile
Be careful what you ask for Papa....you may get LOTS of parents ready to "donate" their kids to you, and for probably longer than you want!
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11 Posts

Posted - 03/15/2012 :  11:51:39  Show Profile
You can have my 11u. He's a pretty good kid but he eats a lot. I can't afford to feed him anymore. The 11u boards are on fire this year with trash talking and predictions, there's a guy from California that posts regularly on there about the GA teams.
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1520 Posts

Posted - 03/15/2012 :  13:48:18  Show Profile
dadof2 will get no symphathy from Papa. My daughter remarried and there are 6 "Brady Bunch" kids to feed from 17 to 7 and to top it off all of them are involved in competitive sports with 4 of them playing travel baseball. Somebody asked me at one of the tournaments if that was my grandchild on the playground and I told them that there was a 30% chance it was based on the number of kids there. Not complaining though as all of you know how much I love it and would not trade places with anyone. I feel like Lou Gehrig when he said "I am the luckiest man on the face of the earth". I requested to be buried under Home Plate at East Cobb and they granted my request but they demanded I do it now instead of waiting so I called that one off. (Sore Losers)

I already like it better over here. Believe it or not a lot of people on the 13U site have quit talking to Papa.

And dadof2 once I read the 11U posts through Papa will defend Georgia in a way that you could not imagine. Who is the Georgia teams to beat in this age group as I don't want to bite off more than I can chew.

Edited by - baseballpapa on 03/15/2012 16:48:28
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1633 Posts

Posted - 03/15/2012 :  16:29:39  Show Profile
I have a 98 pound 12 year old that looks 10 you can borrow. All you need is a fake birth certificate, and you'll have an Elite 10U ball player.

After 2 years of elite training at your Bandit baseball academy, and after you fatten him up a bit, I'll want him back though (just in time for Freshman tryouts).
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1520 Posts

Posted - 03/15/2012 :  21:18:10  Show Profile
I can get the fake birth certificate from Team Florida or the Dominican Republic so this could be a done deal. Before you reply Biz, I am just kidding.
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211 Posts

Posted - 03/17/2012 :  09:09:37  Show Profile
Originally posted by baseballpapa

If any of you has a 9-10 year old playing elite travel baseball then Papa would like to borrow him. The 13U site has become boring and dull and Papa needs a little excitement in his life to keep the bounce in his step. It seems like the older they get the less trash one can talk. Papa would love to adopt your 9-10 year old team and become your official spokesman. Coach Troy of the 13U Bandits will give me a glowing endorsement if you are interested.

Papa I know of a kid that is isn't even 9 yet already being asked to play 9U travel and was moved up to the bigger field in rec and is still dominating I'm told.
My son goes to high school next year and I'm thinking of adopting him to follow from 9U travel and up.
I went to his T-ball tryouts a few years ago to watch and they asked if I was his dad and I said no I was his manager.
They could not believe he had never played baseball before!
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348 Posts

Posted - 03/19/2012 :  00:04:57  Show Profile
Baseball Papa- I have a 14u ECB kid, an 13 ECB kid and an 11u ECB kid. Our 11's are doing well but loosing to Team MVP. Would love some Southern Ga Backing.... 11 u board is heating up... You would enjoy the debates...

email me....
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1520 Posts

Posted - 03/19/2012 :  16:58:32  Show Profile
You can tell the 11U kids that Papa is in the House. I will email you for a list of the Contenders and the Pretender's so Papa can get on board and begin to help clean this 11U house up.
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