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Posted - 06/06/2011 :  20:45:05  Show Profile
Is it true TC doesn't mind who plays on which club as long as they aren't on 2 different teams the same weekend? Word has it a team picked up 2 pitchers from the Bandits to pitch Friday to save arms for pool play?

I'm not accusing, I'm asking can this be? If so, is this acceptable?

Congrats to the EC Longhorns!


762 Posts

Posted - 06/06/2011 :  21:18:17  Show Profile
7. Rosters: May never exceed 20 players during the tournament series and Triple Crown World Series. If you have players quit or transfer to a different team, they remain frozen spots on your roster. Example: If your roster has 13 players at your first tournament, you then have 7 spots left to fill throughout the remainder of the qualifying season and before the Triple Crown World Series in Steamboat Springs (CO). At any given time, a player may only appear on one Triple Crown roster, regardless of age division. Before a player can be added to a second roster, that player must be released by his/her original manager; a player may only transfer one time during the season and may not transfer back to his/her original team.

BEFORE YOUR FIRST TOURNAMENT: Please print your roster off this site, get a signature from each player's parent or guardian, and bring the completed roster to the tournament. Any player without an authorized signature on the roster has no Triple Crown rights and assumes full personal liability for any action at a Triple Crown sponsored event. A team must only roster once per season; Triple Crown will keep your roster on file for future tournaments in the same season.

TRANSFERS: Player transfers are allowed if the original manager completes the "Player Release Form" and the form is submitted to a Triple Crown Representative at the time of the transfer. Call 970-223-6644 to request a copy of the Player Release Form.

NOTE: Triple Crown Sports reserves the right to review individual situations and make final decisions on roster rules. Triple Crown Sports also reserves the right to review player transfers and issue decisions on roster moves.
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