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9 Posts

Posted - 05/31/2011 :  15:31:48  Show Profile
Can anybody explain how USSSA can allow teams to play AA ball like Homeplate & overpower the competition (17-1) with a 1400 Power Rating? Seems to me there are a few others getting away with far superior talent like Rockdale Rhinos, Georgia Bandits & Misfits to name a few!


77 Posts

Posted - 05/31/2011 :  21:36:17  Show Profile
Well I can only speak for the MISFITS. We were re-classed after the Super NIT to open. Since I lost my #5 hitter to the Bad Boys and my 4 hole has a broken arm. We won our first tourney back down to AA but got beat by the Walton Legends last tournament. So it's not like we are cleaning house.

I will say just because you win 16 or 17 games at AA doesn't mean that the teams we are playing are really at the AA level. I have seen some AA teams with 7 and 8 year olds playing.

We are a pretty good AA team but not an open team.
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62 Posts

Posted - 05/31/2011 :  22:40:24  Show Profile
You forgot to mention that Homeplate is (2-11) against 9U (Major) teams.

Edited by - Going-Going-Gone on 05/31/2011 23:05:25
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252 Posts

Posted - 06/01/2011 :  08:47:15  Show Profile
As long as they are 9 and under, we just play the team that's in the other dugout. If they are better than us that day they win, if not, we do. Better teams in the division, to me, makes our team strive to become better. Last year, our first year, we got pounded in 8u, saw where we needed to improve, and worked in the off season. This year (Much improved), we play where they put us and work to improve and will play where they put us next year. Believe we are improving each year, because of the better competition.

Edited by - Mad1 on 06/01/2011 08:55:50
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263 Posts

Posted - 06/01/2011 :  10:53:55  Show Profile
Originally posted by bousssa

Can anybody explain how USSSA can allow teams to play AA ball like Homeplate & overpower the competition (17-1) with a 1400 Power Rating? Seems to me there are a few others getting away with far superior talent like Rockdale Rhinos, Georgia Bandits & Misfits to name a few!

I agree. Isn't there something on the GA USSSA site about reclassification? The text below is from their site. (Rule 2.06) I AM NOT SAYING THAT HPCD'S ARE SANDBAGGING/TROPHY HUNTING!! How many points does a team have to have to get moved up? Is it based on points at all?

Trophy Hunting and Sandbagging shall not be tolerated in USSSA Baseball. Prevention of both acts in all classifications is a TOP PRIORITY! It is the responsibility of EVERY Team Manager to monitor all the teams in their classification and report any possible violators to the State Office. Emails may be sent anonymously to info@gausssabaseball.com. The State Office NEVER shares anonymous email information with anyone outside office staff.

Edited by - 22202 on 06/01/2011 12:30:09
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77 Posts

Posted - 06/01/2011 :  12:48:52  Show Profile
You all might want to check to see where HPB is currently classed. I personally feel like USSSA does a fair job trying to re-class all teams according to who they have played.

We wish all you guys well in State as the MISFITS season concludes after this weekends tournament. Much luck in State
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252 Posts

Posted - 06/01/2011 :  12:58:05  Show Profile
As of right now, HPCD is 9u and been moved up according to rankings.

Edited by - Mad1 on 06/01/2011 22:21:46
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22 Posts

Posted - 06/01/2011 :  13:51:27  Show Profile
Biggest problem is there is not enough classifications in the 9 age group. I believe there should be AA,AAA and Major just like the older age groups. Some of the problems that teams are running into is some AA teams like the ones mentioned above should be in a triple AAA category but not necessarily a Major category. Just my opinion?

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252 Posts

Posted - 06/01/2011 :  23:08:01  Show Profile
Have a good fall Misfit, see ya next year or in the fall if yall play.
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263 Posts

Posted - 06/02/2011 :  10:27:38  Show Profile
We wish all you guys well in State as the MISFITS season concludes after this weekends tournament. Much luck in State

33- Just wondering why you guys are done? Was this scheduled? Are you doing in fall league tourneys?
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3 Posts

Posted - 06/02/2011 :  11:46:02  Show Profile
The biggest problem with 9AA is there are teams that should be 9A not AA.
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36 Posts

Posted - 06/02/2011 :  11:59:32  Show Profile
I see that homeplate has been moved back to 9u open. They clearly can't compete on that level. They were having great success at the AA level and that's where they should have stayed. Everybody that was complaining about them with a 1400 power rating needs to get over it. Let the kids on that team have the spotlight for a while,if it was your child on that team i'm sure you wouldn't be complaining. This game is still about the kids that play it and not about the parents that watch it.This was a response to boussa, get a grip and get over it!!!!
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77 Posts

Posted - 06/03/2011 :  05:42:38  Show Profile
I have several kids that will be on vacation throughout the month of June. I felt it was best not to try a "fill in" team to get me through State so I gave all the players and parents the otpion to "pick up" with another team if they wanted to play State.

I am getting ready to have tryouts to fill my Fall/Spring team.

Good luck to the Crush as you guys know we are not "snadbaggers"
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263 Posts

Posted - 06/03/2011 :  12:51:04  Show Profile
misfit- I/we know you guys didn't sand bag on us. That 45 minute shoot out was an eye opener for us! I think it was your 3rd baseman (big boy) that launched one over the fence on us. That, I think was the end for us. We stayed and watched the final that day and that was a good game. Solid players and coaches! Good luck through the summer and with try outs!
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9 Posts

Posted - 06/06/2011 :  12:52:53  Show Profile
I think 17-1 in class is a good indicator someone is playing out of there competitive level. I say the spotlight should be on the successful team's kids that are competitively challenged & earn it! Kudos to USSSA.
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50 Posts

Posted - 06/07/2011 :  08:44:03  Show Profile
It takes a season for the teams to sort themselves out on the field before USSSA can pigeonhole them appropriately. Teams that don't play USSSA often and/or consistently are more difficult to classify, and it takes longer for their trends to manifest itself.

If you care to look at 9AA today, the teams that are left belong there. I don't see too many left that played KP last year, nor are there any left that can compete with any of the top 15-20 teams in the Open classification. The lone except might be the Bandits, who have a year of KP under their belts, and whose roster is under attack by the cherry pickers already.

I've watched the HPC-Baro play within the past 3 weeks. They are clearly more athletic and more advanced than any AA team with the exception of the Bandits. They blew through The Misfits, Dawgs Baseball, Ga Select Red, Rockdale, and others without a hiccup.

USSSA looks not only at won-loss, but run differential as well as record of the teams beaten and the teams lost to. By all of those criteria, it was time for HPC-Baro to move up.
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9 Posts

Posted - 06/07/2011 :  11:51:39  Show Profile
gvblack is correct & appears indifferent/unbiased unlike Homer10 who you can tell carries a strong bias toward Homeplate. I would go further & strongly look at Rockdale & the Bandits. If either of these two play in the AA State Championship process, they will certainly be a favorite to make the Ship.
Rockdale has 90% of there returning players, with a strong AA record, who historically have been one of the stronger teams in KP 2010 & State Champs CP 2009.
Bandits have beat strong 9U open teams & are clearly playing out of there element should they punch a ticket, or should I say pay for a chance in the AA State Championship. I personally know the Bandit coach & can not see him directing his troops in this direction.
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9U Coach

30 Posts

Posted - 06/07/2011 :  22:16:03  Show Profile
We'll see this weekend. Homeplate is in a tough field in the Nations State.
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Infield Fly

9 Posts

Posted - 06/09/2011 :  15:36:10  Show Profile
Homeplate-Baro is actually scheduled in the Grand Slam event this weekend, so you may be looking @ the other Homeplate 9U team, which is a true OPEN classed team. The 9U classifications in USSSA dont make much sense not to have a AAA class like all older age groups have. HPCD-Baro team is a perfect example of a AAA level team as their OPEN record is 2-11 & their AA record is equally ridiculous on the winning side of things...without a AAA level, USSSA is basically pushing a team like this to play other sanctions to find equal talent AAA level teams.
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