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 14U Kennesaw Rays Battle of Kennesaw
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89 Posts

Posted - 03/22/2011 :  21:35:25  Show Profile
The Kennesaw Rays will be hosting a 14U tournament at Adams Park in Kennesaw the weekend of April 28th - May 1st. The cost will be $475 and we will take the first 8 paid teams (could expand to 12 later) 3 game minimum. Please let me know if you are interested.

Teams Committed:
1. Rays
2. Hillgrove Jr.Hawks
3. Sprayberry Jr. Jackets
4. McEachern Indians
5. Sandy Plains Prowlers


89 Posts

Posted - 03/29/2011 :  11:18:04  Show Profile
The Kennesaw Rays will be hosting a 14U tournament at Adams Park in Kennesaw the weekend of April 28th - May 1st. The cost will be $475 and we will take the first 8 paid teams (could expand to 12 later) 3 game minimum. Please let me know if you are interested.

Teams Committed:
1. Rays
2. Hillgrove Jr.Hawks
3. Sprayberry Jr. Jackets
4. McEachern Indians
5. Sandy Plains Prowlers
6. Shaw park Eagles
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89 Posts

Posted - 04/01/2011 :  19:38:22  Show Profile
The Kennesaw Rays will be hosting a 14U tournament at Adams Park in Kennesaw the weekend of April 28th - May 1st. The cost will be $475 and we will take the first 8 paid teams (could expand to 12 later) 3 game minimum. Please let me know if you are interested.

Teams Committed:
1. Rays
2. Hillgrove Jr.Hawks
3. Sprayberry Jr. Jackets
4. McEachern Indians
5. Sandy Plains Prowlers
6. Shaw park Eagles
7. SAR Spartans
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89 Posts

Posted - 04/11/2011 :  21:35:39  Show Profile
The Kennesaw Rays will be hosting a 14U tournament at Adams Park in Kennesaw the weekend of April 28th - May 1st. The cost will be $475 and we will take the first 8 paid teams (could expand to 12 later) 3 game minimum. Please let me know if you are interested.

Teams Committed:
1. Rays
2. Hillgrove Jr.Hawks
3. Team Wilson
4. McEachern Indians
5. Sandy Plains Prowlers
6. Shaw Park Eagles
7. SAR Spartans
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